Proposal: Rise to Fame
Passses 19-0, enacted by Angry Grasshopper.
Adminned at 05 Feb 2007 14:52:20 UTC
Repeal the rule “Filmography”, if it exists.
Enact a new rule, “Filmographies”:-
Each actor has a Filmography, which is stored in a wiki page called “Filmographies”. This is a list of the films that each Actor has starred in, the year of that film, and the role that they played in it.
Any film listed in a Filmography must exist on IMDB [] and a link should be provided.
A role specified for a film may be either:-
- “Extra”
- “Nth Minor Character” (where “N” is any number, and “Minor Character” is a generic role such as “Hoodlum” or “Fireman” - eg. “4th Zombie”)
- A named role that appears in the IMDB credits of the film.
Any Actor may add a new film and role to his Filmography, if they have not already done so in the previous four days, with the following restrictions:-
- A role of “Nth Minor Character” may only be added if the Actor has been an Extra in three earlier films.
- A named role may only be added if the Actor has been an Nth Minor Character in three earlier films.
(“Earlier films” are those with an earlier year than the film being added.)
If anyone Filmographies exist when this proposal is enacted, they are blanked.
Clucky: he/him
Do we want worry about time frames here? This isn’t the time traveling dynasty. It seems odd that my Filmography could contain roles from old movies. And that it could be out of order.