Proposal: Rounded up Gossips
Timed out and passed, 10-0, with Cult-Worshipping stricken from the record. Josh
Adminned at 18 Feb 2007 05:21:09 UTC
If Proposal: Gossip Gets Around didn’t pass, this Proposal does nothing.
Add to Gossip Stories, Categories and Effects:
* Drunk [Fame]: An Actor under this story does not count as a Guest at an After Party. If an Actor under this story is a Host to an After Party, e and all Guests gain double Fame.
* Alcoholic [Filmography]: An Actor under this story must wait an extra day before adding a Film to eir Filmography.
* Philandering [Fame]: Whenever an Actor under this story is a Host or a Guest at an After Party, all Fame at that party is halved (rounded down).
* Sex-addicted [Fame]: When an Actor under this story is a Guest at an After Party e do not count as a Guest for the purposes of determining Fame. An Actor under this story gains only 1 point of Fame at an After Party, regardless of the Fame of the Host.
* Kleptomaniac [Fame, Filmography]: An Actor under this story that is a Guest at an After Party gains 1 extra Fame, and the Host of that Party gains 1 less fame (this can reduce/increase the fame beyond its maximum/minimum,). An Actor under this story cannot take a Named Role.
* Paternity-suited [Fame]: An Actor under this story does not count as a Guest at an After Party. When an Actor under this story is a Host of an After Party, only e gain Fame from that After Party, and no Guest gains Fame.
* Cult-worshipping [Location]: If this Actor Hosts an After Party, only Actors at the same Location as em may be Guests to that Party.
* Divorced [Location]: An Actor under must always be at the Location with the least number of other Actors. If the Location with the least number of Actors changes, the Actor must change Location, even if e otherwise would not be allowed to change Locations. In the event of a tie, the Actor under this story can choose between the tied Locations.
* Eccentric [Filmography]: When adding a Film to eir Filmography, an Actor under this story must make a ROLE DICE10 roll. If the roll comes up between 1 and 6, e must add an Extra Role. If it comes up between 7 and 9, e must add a “Nth Minor Character†Role, and on a 10 e must add a named Role. The role mandated by this roll must be added even if that would not be allowed by the “Filmographies†rule.
A counted vote to this Proposal may name one or more Gossip Stories. If a Story is named in four or more of the counted votes to this Proposal, it shall be deleted from Gossip Stories, Categories and Effects.
This intentionally allows you to post counted votes to delete Glory-Hound, Right-Wing and Left-Wing if you wish so
Josh: he/they