Friday, November 11, 2011

Proposal: Route switching without the scam

Proposal failed 2-4-5 - Prince Anduril

Adminned at 13 Nov 2011 08:51:48 UTC

If the rules contain the text “Then the first five Routes in their pool (or all if there are fewer) become Active.”, then add the following immediately before it:

They may then pay 3 Cash to swap the positions of any two routes on their list.

or if the proposal less than a week old titled “Less Hoarding, Less Grinding” passed, add the following instead:

They may then swap the two positions of any two routes on their list if they had at least 3 Cash immediately before Requesting Assignment.

Wow, it’s annoying to write proposals against other proposals in the queue, rather than against the ruleset.

This is the same idea as in “Route Switching”, modified slightly to avoid overwriting routes with each other, and now compatible with “Less Hoarding, Less Grinding”.


Prince Anduril:

11-11-2011 13:49:43 UTC

imperial My brain struggles without a ruleset. Trying to get your head round a new dynasty isn’t easy in a lunch break.


11-11-2011 13:57:55 UTC

So does mine. Writing the proposal was a little awkward as a result.

Kevan: he/him

11-11-2011 13:58:24 UTC


Prince Anduril:

11-11-2011 14:03:22 UTC


I’m still not sure about the wording. What counts as ‘swapping two routes’.



1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5

If I swap Route 1 with Route 3, giving me:

3 - 2 - 1 - 4 - 5

Is that 2 swaps, or 1 swap? Can I then do another swap?

Prince Anduril:

11-11-2011 14:04:40 UTC

Is it swapping 2 routes, or 1 route? If it is the latter, is my example even legal?


11-11-2011 14:10:17 UTC

I think the wording is quite clear.

I’m not entirely convinced I want to adopt this in combination with Bucky’s proposal regarding Cash, though. This will basically become auto-use, rather than a sparing tactic.


11-11-2011 15:13:06 UTC

@coppro: Depends on what Cash is useful for. In particular, I’d expecting it to be generally advantageous to spend it all before doing the Assignment Request.


11-11-2011 15:34:10 UTC



11-11-2011 16:05:33 UTC

against I like either this or resetting cash to 0 every assignment. Both together is less interesting.


11-11-2011 16:07:49 UTC



11-11-2011 17:38:15 UTC

against In the first version, your routes arguably don’t become active unless you pay.


11-11-2011 17:55:46 UTC

@Pavitra: Depends on where you put the parens, I guess. But your reading seems much less natural than the intended one to me.

SingularByte: he/him

11-11-2011 18:06:43 UTC

against I’d agree with Pavitra.


11-11-2011 18:09:33 UTC


Per Prince Anduril.

Clucky: he/him

11-11-2011 18:54:20 UTC


Darknight: he/him

12-11-2011 22:07:50 UTC



13-11-2011 04:20:22 UTC
