Friday, February 20, 2009

skirmish thoughts

so thoughts?  what do we need to change?


Devenger: Idle

20-02-2009 23:15:50 UTC

I intend to propose new combat rules that make firing a daily action, amongst other more complicating things. I’ll draft it up. (Bit like my old draft…)

Qwazukee: Idle

20-02-2009 23:22:58 UTC

Yes! One attack per day seems reasonable.

arthexis: he/himIdle

20-02-2009 23:34:13 UTC

Please, only one attack per day. Maybe additional attacks with stunts. Truth is, everything went too fast and I just lost track of it all (hence was too confused to participate)

Wakukee: Idle

20-02-2009 23:43:07 UTC

And less enemies!

Devenger: Idle

20-02-2009 23:47:32 UTC

proposed (drafting) combat rules:

- Soldier selects weapon, target, number of shots (1-5)
- Soldier spends (ammo rating * number of shots) ammo.
- Soldier makes attack roll against target (d10 + weapon DR + number of shots).
- If roll exceeds target armour (e.g. 6), target loses (attack roll - armour).
- If target dies, reduce number of shots and make another attack roll at another target, otherwise summarise in comment.

Only thing I’m not sure about is damage calculation (should it be more strictly attached to DR? maybe you can’t deal damage beyond weapon DR, or the revolver will be able to do 5+ damage?)

Devenger: Idle

20-02-2009 23:48:35 UTC

oh, plus return fire, I need suggestions on that (return fire from who you last shot as it is now?)

Devenger: Idle

21-02-2009 00:14:41 UTC

my draft:

midnight here, so until tomorrow guys

Kevan: he/himIdle

21-02-2009 00:29:33 UTC

Might be clearer if updates to the enemy stats were given in each comment that changed them, rather than being occasionally updated in the original blog entry.

Klisz: Idle

21-02-2009 03:26:14 UTC

We need this:  veto

Clucky: he/himIdle

21-02-2009 07:35:06 UTC

I personally liked going insane on everyone. XP needs to be rewarded on a per kill basis, not “the whole group gets the same bonus” to encourage people to actually try beyond just entering combat. I mean, sure my rampage was kinda hilarious, but I didn’t really get anything out of it gamewise.

Devenger: Idle

21-02-2009 10:45:45 UTC

Clucky, I’m sure some people can’t stay online for enough time to expend all their ammunition in a single day. More people would be willing to enter combat if less needs to be done on a daily basis.

Basically, you’re saying that you should be rewarded for being more active in a single hour than anyone else, which is a big no-no as far as how I want to play the game - and I’m sure I’m not alone.

I’ll propose the combat draft this evening after I’ve ran some numbers through it. Going to make a proposal for all of us who lost nearly all their Health in the Skirmish first.

dogfish: Idle

21-02-2009 12:07:04 UTC

Perhaps you could still get XP for all of the enemies killed, provided you kill one yourself, or do some damage. That way you at least have to take part, but you don’t need to spend an excessive amount of time.

Wakukee: Idle

21-02-2009 12:18:29 UTC

But some enemies were much harder than others, and I don’t think that amni wants to give XP values to each enemy.