Proposal: Some more stunts
Timed out 7 votes to 9. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 20 Feb 2009 08:02:33 UTC
Add a subrule called “Speed Burst” under rule 2.4.1 Stage Directions:
Prerequisites: The Stuntperson has not used this stunt within the last week.
Results: The Stuntperson can once within the next 10 minutes perform one daily or weekly action without having to meet the usual restrictions on when the action can be performed.
Cost: 2 AP
Add a subrule called “Dual-Wield” under rule 2.4.1 Stage Directions:
Prerequisites: The Stuntperson has two weapons in their Holster.
Results: The Stuntperson can once within the next 10 minutes make two attacks against the same enemy using two different weapons in his Holster; the enemy does not return fire due to the first of these attacks, regardless of what the combat rules say.
Cost: 1 AP
Add a subrule called “Covering Fire” under rule 2.4.1 Stage Directions:
Prerequisites: The Stuntperson has not made an attack today.
Results: The Stuntperson cannot attack today, and must spend 10 ammo if they can (i.e. deduct the ammo from their total without allowing the total to go below 0). If the ammo deduction happens this way, all Enemies’ Damage scores are treated as 1 lower than they actually are for purposes of resolving combat, until the end of the day.
Cost: 1 AP
Our research and development teams are making our soldiers faster, more dextrous, and better at teamwork by the day. The pace of military advancement is such that we should soon be able to overwhelm the Enemy, no matter what their plans and abilities are.