Proposal: Spacecraft Battles, Act II Take I
timed out and reached a quorum, final vote 6-0—Yoda
Adminned at 17 Jun 2008 08:57:14 UTC
To Rule 2.13 Spacecraft Battles, do the following:
Add a sub-rule ‘Actions System’, with the following text:
Spacebattles have Combat Rounds (or just Rounds). When a new Round begins, the Pilot of a spacecraft may decide what Pilot Action (of those described by the sub-rule ‘Pilot Actions’) they want a spacecraft to take, by way of commenting in the Spacebattle’s Battlepost with their decision.
After 24 hours, any Admin may conclude the Round by doing all the Pilot Actions specified for each spacecraft, in the order described by the sub-rule ‘Actions Order’.
To do a Pilot Action is to do as the description of the Pilot Action in the sub-rule ‘Pilot Actions’ says to do when the Action is resolved, where ‘the spacecraft’ is the spacecraft doing the action.
If a spacecraft is no longer part of the Spacebattle when it is its turn to take an Action, its Action does not take place. If a spacecraft has not had an Action specified for it by its Pilot, the action the spacecraft takes is to Retreat.
After a Round is concluded, a new Round begins, unless any victory conditions (as described by the sub-rule ‘Victory Conditions’) have been met.
Add a sub-rule ‘Pilot Actions’, with the following text:
Pilots of a spacecraft may, in a Combat Round of a Spacebattle, as a Pilot Action:
- ‘Assault’: move their spacecraft as to optimize weapon accuracy. This action is resolved by a roll of 2DICEX, where X is the square root of the Size of the spacecraft, rounded up. If the roll result is below the Piloting skill of the spacecraft’s Pilot, the spacecraft has successfully moved into an assault position, and the spacecraft’s Power is multiplied by 1.5 and rounded up to the nearest integer until the end of the Combat Round. If the roll result is above or equal to the Piloting skill of the spacecraft’s Pilot, the Pilot has failed to keep control of the spacecraft, and the spacecraft’s Speed is halved until the end of the Combat Round.
- ‘Evade’: move their spacecraft as to reduce enemy chances of hitting with weaponry. This action is resolved by a roll of DICEX, where X is the square root of the Size of the spacecraft, rounded up. If the roll result is below the Piloting skill of the spacecraft’s Pilot, the spacecraft has successfully taken an evasive maneouvre, and the spacecraft’s Speed is doubled until the end of the Combat Round. If the roll result is above the Piloting skill of the spacecraft’s Pilot, the Pilot has failed to keep control of the spacecraft, and the spacecraft’s Speed is halved until the end of the Combat Round.
- ‘Retreat’: have their spacecraft attempt to leave the Spacebattle. This action is resolved by a roll of 5DICEX, where X is the square root of the Size of the spacecraft, rounded up. If the roll result is below the Speed of the spacecraft multiplied by the Piloting skill of the spacecraft’s Pilot, the spacecraft has successfully left the Spacebattle - it is no longer an attacker or defender in the Spacebattle and cannot be targeted.
Add a sub-rule ‘Actions Order’, with the following text:
Pilot Actions occur in ascending order of spacecraft Size; smaller spacecraft act before larger ones.
Add a sub-rule ‘Victory Conditions’, with the following text:
If there are no spacecraft remaining in the Spacebattle, the Spacebattle ceases to exist. This is a placeholder.
Not really expecting to get this through first time, though it would be nice. Lots of placeholder stuff here, and nothing in the way of Bombadier actions - that’ll have to come later. Trust me on the maths for the Pilot Actions, it does add up for existing craft (smaller craft will always be able to retreat - this is intended). Speed will be part of the accuracy roll, so changes in Speed make a craft easier or harder to hit. Don’t anyone dare start a battle until all the rules are done!