Wednesday, September 07, 2022

Proposal: [Special Case] Fixing Bounties

Enacted 6-0 with a Quorum in favor. -Bucky

Adminned at 09 Sep 2022 03:15:56 UTC

Reword the special case rule Bounties to:

A Bounty Notice is a post in the Story Posts - Votable Matter category which broadly requests a single mechanical or ruleset change. Despite its category, it is not a votable matter and any votes on it are ignored. A Bounty Notice may be Open or Closed being Open by default and being Closed when set to the ‘Enacted’ or ‘Failed’ status in the post backend. The Enacted Status should be used for successfully completed Bounty Notices, while Failed should be used for ones that were closed for any other reason

This sentence names, at the end of this sentence after a colon, a single dynastic resource or variable, which is the Bounty Reward Variable for this dynasty: Royal Gift

The Demon King may post a Bounty Notice, close an open Bounty Notice, or change the Bounty Reward Variable in this rule at any time.

If the Demon King believes that an enacted votable matter satisfies the demand of an open Bounty Notice then they may iterate the Bounty Reward Variable of that votable matter’s author by a single step (unless that author was themselves) and set that Bounty Notice to closed.

As it stands, a completed bounty becomes more or less invisible if you close it instead of enacting or failing it.



07-09-2022 06:39:10 UTC

I’d suggest having the back end to treat a closed bounty notice as a votable matter so that the voting icon for pass/fail is visible.

SingularByte: he/him

07-09-2022 06:49:23 UTC


Trapdoorspyder: he/him

07-09-2022 20:16:29 UTC



08-09-2022 17:54:45 UTC


lendunistus: he/him

08-09-2022 17:56:21 UTC


lendunistus: he/him

08-09-2022 18:02:35 UTC

one problem: if the current emperor isn’t an admin, then this doesn’t work since you have to be an admin to open/close bounties

SingularByte: he/him

08-09-2022 18:12:42 UTC

That might be a problem with the current version too since that one also needs you to change post status. It might be worth another fix to say they can just declare it as closed and an admin can come along to change the status.


08-09-2022 19:56:46 UTC



08-09-2022 23:46:20 UTC
