Proposal: [Special Case] Split the Bounty
Popular 6-0. -Bucky
Adminned at 15 Sep 2022 18:50:28 UTC
In the rule “Bounties”, change
If the Demon King believes that an enacted votable matter satisfies the demand of an open Bounty Notice then they may iterate the Bounty Reward Variable of that votable matter’s author by a single step (unless that author was themselves) and set that Bounty Notice to closed.
If the Demon King believes that one or more enacted votable matters satisfy the demand of an open Bounty Notice, then they may iterate the Bounty Reward Variable of each Baron (other than the Demon King) who authored at least one of those votable matters and set that Bounty Notice to closed.
SingularByte: he/him
When it comes to marking a bounty notice as closed, would the expectation be to wait until all pending proposals that would satisfy the demand are resolved, rather than just closing it immediately on the first one being enacted?