Tuesday, December 06, 2022

Proposal: Starting in the Foyer

Reaches quorum with 9-0 -SingularByte

Adminned at 07 Dec 2022 08:29:41 UTC

Add a new Dynastic Rule to the Ruleset. Call it “Banewood Mansion”, and give it the following text:

All Explorers are located in Rooms within Banewood Mansion, exploring new Rooms and interacting with what’s there. The Narrator will process Turns and update the results in Banewood Mansion.

Add a subrule to “Banewood Mansion” called “Mansion Map” and give it the following text:

The Mansion Map is a graphical represention of Rooms that the Explorers have discovered and their connections to each other. It will be maintained and made available by the Narrator in a separate page of the Wiki, linked from Banewood Mansion. No one may edit the Mansion Map except for the Narrator.

Add a new Dynastic Rule to the Ruleset. Call it “Turns”, and give it the following text:

A Turn consists of two states: Explorers Phase and Mansion Phase. The Explorers Phase is first, followed by the Mansion Phase. At the end of the Mansion Phase, the next Turn begins.

The current Turn state is tracked in Banewood Mansion at the top.

Add a subrule to “Turns” called “Explorers Phase” and give it the following text:

While the state in Banewood Mansion is set to Explorers Phase, any Explorer may do any of the following any number of times by editing their state in Banewood Mansion:
* Change their Planned Action
* Pick up or drop an Item
* Use an Item that was already held at the start of the current Explorers Phase

Explorers may not do any of the above during the Mansion Phase.

Add a subrule to “Turns” called “Mansion Phase” and give it the following text:

If the Narrator has not done so in the past 36 hours, they may execute the Mansion Phase as an atomic action with the following steps:
* Edit the state to “Mansion Phase” in Banewood Mansion
* In the order in which the Rooms are listed in Banewood Mansion, for each Explorer in that Room, carry out the Planned Action that the Explorer is taking and any Effects that occur as a result of that Planned Action, as well as any ongoing Effects that apply to the Explorer
* Submit a blog post with the category Story Post summarizing the Actions and Effects that occurred during the Mansion Phase
* Edit the state to “Explorers Phase” in Banewood Mansion

During the Mansion Phase, all Actions and Effects that occur in the same Room occur simultaneously, regardless of the order of Explorers listed in that room or the Effects applied. If multiple Actions or Effects in a Room modify the same gamestate variables, the Actions or Effects in a Room that have “remove” or “subtract” as part of their text are processed before other Actions or Effects in that same Room.



JonathanDark: he/him

06-12-2022 18:01:58 UTC

If that’s too much for a starting proposal, let me know, and if I still have the 4-hour window left, I’ll split stuff out. Please try not to vote on it until after the 4-hour window to give time to edit.

Josh: he/they

06-12-2022 18:04:46 UTC

Might be a bit long. I’ll add thoughts as I get through it.

First thought: having Turns sat within Turns is a bit cumbersome. Maybe change the higher level to Rounds?

Josh: he/they

06-12-2022 18:08:45 UTC

As a style note, this may be too comprehensive. It feels a bit like you have the game already mostly fleshed out, which gives the other players of this nomic very little to do.


06-12-2022 18:20:28 UTC

As an alternative to Rounds, consider changing the lower level turn parts to Explorer Phase and Monster Phase.

Contra Josh, I don’t think this is too heavy for a starting proposal.

JonathanDark: he/him

06-12-2022 18:22:21 UTC

[Josh] If you were to split out the proposal, where would you recommend doing it? I wanted to propose something that at least established the idea without sounding half-baked. I’ve already got another proposal for how to move through the Doors waiting in the wings, but I’m happy to split even further if there’s a logical place for it.

JonathanDark: he/him

06-12-2022 18:24:05 UTC

And just to explain myself, I really don’t want to be too heavy-handed here. My “guideline” for this dynasty is exploring a haunted house that has “things” that benefit or penalize the Explorers, so I just want to have some sort of mechanics for that, mine or someone else’s, whatever people like.

Josh: he/they

06-12-2022 18:24:44 UTC

Personally, I would break it into conceptual chunks and work with one chunk per proposal. Have all of the turn-taking stuff in the first proposal, basic geography in a second, actions in a third, objects in a fourth. But that’s just my approach, I certainly wouldn’t claim to be an authority.

JonathanDark: he/him

06-12-2022 18:29:20 UTC

[Josh] Sounds good, as long as people know that other parts are coming or could be proposed. I was worried that by only seeing some of the concept, people might be confused as to how to proceed. Let me think on it and I’ll edit shortly…

[Bucky] I renamed Explorers Turn and Mansion Turn to “Phase” instead

JonathanDark: he/him

06-12-2022 18:42:34 UTC

Ok, I’ve chopped the Proposal down quite a bit. Referenced parts like “Actions” and “Effects” will come from other Proposals, and I’m fine if they’re not mine that get enacted for those parts.

JonathanDark: he/him

06-12-2022 19:46:34 UTC

Edit: since this Proposal is specifying that Actions and Effects that occur in the same Room occur simultaneously, I added some additional rule text about what to do when those Actions and Effects in the same Room wind up modifying the same gamestate values.


06-12-2022 20:13:56 UTC

In the rule “Explorers Phase”, change
Change their Action
Change their Planned Action

In the rule “Mansion Phase”, change
carry out the Action that the Explorer is taking and any Effects that occur as a result of that Action
carry out the Explorer’s Planned Action and any Effects that occur as a result of that Action

to keep rules that affect Planned Actions from also accidentally hitting, say, Atomic Actions or Weekly Actions.

JonathanDark: he/him

06-12-2022 21:18:56 UTC

Good suggestion, and done

Kevan: he/him

06-12-2022 22:29:09 UTC


Josh: he/they

06-12-2022 23:02:22 UTC



07-12-2022 00:04:08 UTC


Lulu: she/her

07-12-2022 01:54:25 UTC


Trapdoorspyder: he/him

07-12-2022 02:02:33 UTC


Brendan: he/him

07-12-2022 02:44:21 UTC



07-12-2022 02:44:31 UTC


SingularByte: he/him

07-12-2022 08:27:33 UTC

Unidling, quorum is now 7.