Monday, November 23, 2020

Proposal: Stone is stone

Times out 2 votes to 2 with an imperial DEF. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 25 Nov 2020 08:50:16 UTC

In the rule Turns, in the description of the turn actions Copy and Rework, change “white” and “stone”, respectively, to “backing”.

In the rule Creeds, in the description for the resolve Creed, change “10 turns instead of 8” to “2 extra turns”.


Kevan: he/him

23-11-2020 09:38:45 UTC

That Rework amendment is a big deal, in that it makes coloured Stone Tiles much harder to remove. I think the fact that coloured Stone can be overwritten with other materials is a fair balance for it being so cheap to create (copying to create coloured Stone only costing 1 Turn).


Josh: he/they

23-11-2020 10:26:05 UTC

I just don’t want the dynasty to turn into a slog of changing stone tiles back and forth endlessly. It’s taking forever to fill the board with colours, are we going to spend the next several months filling the board in with non-stone materials as well?

Raven1207: Monarchple he/they

23-11-2020 12:44:48 UTC


Clucky: he/him

23-11-2020 16:32:48 UTC


While I think Kevan makes a good point, I don’t think passing this badly breaks anything. And to move the game along, I’d rather pass this and then have someone propose a fix to rework than not pass this and have to wait for someone to repropose the other two parts

Raven1207: Monarchple he/they

23-11-2020 17:15:41 UTC


Kevan: he/him

23-11-2020 17:51:41 UTC

[Josh] How is there a “slog of changing stone tiles back and forth”? If you make some Purple Stone and I Rework it to Black Ink; it’s Ink now, you can’t Rework it back.

[Clucky] It greatly undermines the secret-Desiderata victory condition: if coloured Stone is cheap and pretty much permanent, there’s much less consequence to other Monks deducing your Desideratum. If a player is going for Purple and brazenly spams a lot of Purple Stone across the board, under the current rule rival Monks can say “oh, you’re going for Purple then” and rework it to colours they prefer. Under Josh’s amendment, that Purple can only be depleted by Improving it at a very high Guilder cost (which most players can’t afford, and even the richest players can only do a few times), so there’s hardly any downside to having part of your Desideratum guessed.

This looks like Josh wanting to pivot the game to something that works much better for rich players with an obvious Desiderata colour or two: which would just be Josh.

Josh: he/they

23-11-2020 18:01:29 UTC

[Kevan] Because that means that I then have to change some green stone to silver Metal to compensate, and so on until all the board is not stone any more

Kevan: he/him

23-11-2020 18:23:53 UTC

[Josh] It wouldn’t be all the board, though, just the coloured Stone that each slogger suspected the other of desiring. And if either thought they had the upper hand at any point (or wanted to bluff that they had), they’d switch to covering Backing instead, to fill the Mosaic and trigger endgame. I think there’s enough nuance going on here.


24-11-2020 20:48:56 UTC


Clucky: he/him

24-11-2020 21:14:29 UTC

changing to imperial to stay out of the way on proposals with strong endgame implications

Josh: he/they

24-11-2020 21:21:27 UTC

ugh this dynasty is going to take FOREVER to end

Just weeks of endlessly changing all of the stone because no-one can get a clear lead

Kevan: he/him

24-11-2020 22:23:05 UTC

A vote against “rich players with obvious Desiderata can lock the board down” isn’t a vote for keeping the game unchanged forever. I’d support something to fill the board more quickly, if it looked like people were losing interest in doing that.