Sunday, March 09, 2025

Proposal: Supporting the Community

In the rule “Resources”, add a subrule named “Public Funding” with the following text:

For each Resource, there is a publicly tracked non-negative number named Funding and a non-negative number named Benefit, both of which are rounded down to two decimal places. For each Resource, Funding defaults to 0.00 and Benefit defaults to 1.00. Whenever a Seeker gains an amount of a Resource, after performing any other mathematical operations on that gain per other rules, that gain is multiplied by the Benefit for that Resource, with the result rounded down to the nearest integer.

As a Daily Communal Action, any Seeker or the Custodian can perform Investment as an atomic action. Investment has the following steps that must be performed once for each Resource during that instance of Investment:
* Divide the Funding for that Resource by 100.00 and add the result to that Resource’s Benefit
* Set the Funding for that Resource to 0.00

A way to prioritize certain Resources over others. How to increase Funding will be handled in other Proposals.


Josh: he/they

09-03-2025 21:59:06 UTC

Fund Rate doesn’t seem to be defined.

JonathanDark: he/him

09-03-2025 22:15:40 UTC

Oops, fixed! I was playing with terminology and forget to fix that one instance.


10-03-2025 02:04:53 UTC

for Seems useful to have some way to change the relative ease of getting resources if one is way easier/harder to get than the others

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