Sunday, February 15, 2009

Proposal: Swiss-Army Knife

High Command believes in making the rules easier to find, easier to read, and easier to change. They do not believe in making them easier to understand or easier to follow, as to simplify would be to surrender!

Reporting, Devenger.

(Passed after 48 hours, 12-2)

Adminned at 17 Feb 2009 11:52:29 UTC

Repeal the rules “Ammo”, “Health” and “Action Points”, and replace them with a rule called “Stats” which includes the text of those three rules, in order, as it was immediately prior to their deletion.

[ This is primarily to move “Ammo” from being a subrule of Weapons, so that all of its subrules can just be straightforward weapons. But we might as well combine it with the two other one-paragraph stat rules. ]


Sparrow: Idle

15-02-2009 19:30:22 UTC


Devenger: Idle

15-02-2009 19:33:52 UTC

imperial Would have been nicer to format it as the three old rules becoming sub-rules of the Stats rule, and having the Stats rule state any shared properties of all the rules (if any).

Klisz: Idle

15-02-2009 20:08:22 UTC


Devenger: Idle

15-02-2009 20:31:13 UTC

CoV:  against

This will break my proposal, , as it creates a sub-rule called ‘Health’ (which your proposal would remove and append to a new rule!) - although it may partially hold together, it wouldn’t be pretty…

Although, will my proposal’s rule creation break, as it creates a rule with the same name as another rule? Ugggh…

Qwazukee: Idle

15-02-2009 21:06:21 UTC

imperial Complicated.

Amnistar: he/himIdle

15-02-2009 21:07:47 UTC


Devenger: Idle

15-02-2009 21:17:13 UTC

for CoV again. It’s probably safe to rule only Rule 2.3 Health is repealed and appended, because it will be chronologically the first and you didn’t say ‘all rules titled Health’, only ‘the rule Health’. But I’ll try to remember to create unique rule titles in future, and this could have also been avoided by using the Rule’s entire number, 2.3.

Sparrow: Idle

15-02-2009 22:09:37 UTC

Also, the Proposal says ‘Rule’, not ‘Sub-rule’.

Hix: Idle

15-02-2009 23:08:57 UTC

Sparrow:  Subrules are rules, so the problem still exists.

against , but I’ll CoV if Devenger’s proposal fails.

Wooden Squid: Idle

15-02-2009 23:13:09 UTC


arthexis: he/himIdle

16-02-2009 02:00:09 UTC


Darknight: he/him

16-02-2009 04:08:42 UTC


SingularByte: he/himIdle

16-02-2009 07:57:37 UTC


TrumanCapote: Idle

16-02-2009 08:04:23 UTC


Kevan: he/himIdle

16-02-2009 15:28:42 UTC

Devenger’s proposal will now have no effect, due to its “If the proposal titled ‘Know Thy Enemy’ failed, this proposal does nothing.” clause.

Devenger: Idle

16-02-2009 16:29:06 UTC

S/Ked my proposal that would cause the issue, so consider recasting your votes guys (this looks like a handy proposal to me at least)

ais523: Custodian

16-02-2009 18:14:09 UTC


Elias IX: Idle

17-02-2009 09:08:58 UTC


Elias IX: Idle

17-02-2009 09:09:19 UTC


SingularByte: he/himIdle

17-02-2009 11:30:17 UTC

CoV for