Proposal: Tessered Acts
48 hours old and can’t be enacted failed by card
Adminned at 13 Nov 2017 21:11:05 UTC
Replace the first Paragraph in Tessering with:
Anytime a Tesserer publishes a Story Post which is not a Combo, they may, in the title, put the following tag: [Tessered X], where X is a number less than or equal to their power. This Post is called a Tessered Act. Any actions described in a Tessered Act are not performed at the time of the Tessered Act’s posting: instead, the text of the post will be added to a section named “Tessers” of a Wiki page named “The Tesseract”. All actions described in the Tessered Act that the Tesserer who writes the Tessered Act could have make at the time of the Tessered Act’s creation are Actionable. After X days have passed, all Actionable action(s) described in the Future may or may not be performed by the Tesserer who created the Tessered Act, following the rules of an Atomic Action. If all Actionable actions are not performed within 48 hours after X days have passed, the Instability of the Tesseract increases by X. After 48 hours after X days have passed, or after the Actionable actions are performed, the Tessered Act’s text may be removed from “The Tesseract”. A Tesserer may only have two Tessered Acts at a time.
Remove the line “The sum of the contents of a story post with the [Tessered X] tag is called a “Tessered Act”.”
Lets put some limits on what Tessered Acts can do. The bulk of this is shamelessly stolen from another proposal (which shamelessly included a rider clause giving pokes stuff!)
Also makes it clear that you can choose not to perform the actions
The one thing bothering me in this rule is the line “All actions described in the Tessered Act that the Tesserer who writes the Tessered Act could have make at the time of the Tessered Act’s creation are Actionable”.
Ignoring the syntax error, I read this line as stating that you can only tesser actions that could be done in the present. In other words, I cannot post a Tessered Action saying I will make a shard if I currently do not have enough power to do it.
I suspect that this sentence was intended to prevent future modifications of the ruleset from interfering with a Tessered Action (such as removal of a possible action), but the wording has implications that make Tessered Actions much less interesting.