Wednesday, May 02, 2018

The Ballot Box

Posting what your dynasty is themed after would be good to get ballots.
Pawns competing for victory:



02-05-2018 05:54:13 UTC

I support Cpt_Koen


02-05-2018 07:01:19 UTC

I’d make my dynasty themed after deck-building for a card game with rules and mechanics we’d make up.

The intent is for the focus would be on planning and prediction. Rather than just having the usual game of proposing yourself up and proposing others down, we’d all have the same access to the same cards at the victor-deciding finale; and whoever was best at playing that game (as well as possibly hiding caveats in the rules for themselves from the rest of us), wins.

Kevan: he/him

02-05-2018 08:27:08 UTC

I’ll try Moby Dick, although no pressure for anyone to have read it. An ostensibly co-operative whaling expedition, but with everyone being given a secret personal goal from a proposed list.


02-05-2018 10:52:38 UTC

I don’t know if I want to give away my theme but I have an idea that should go pretty quickly: there’s some immediacy to it, and I would propose a victory condition first, although the exact manner of getting there would remain undefined.

Lulu: she/her

02-05-2018 12:14:17 UTC

I vote for Cuddlebeam

Thunder: he/him

02-05-2018 12:16:51 UTC

I vote for Pokes.


02-05-2018 12:22:53 UTC

Those votes don’t count because it needs to be form of “I support X”

Lulu: she/her

02-05-2018 12:26:30 UTC

I support Cuddlebeam

Thunder: he/him

02-05-2018 12:55:39 UTC

I support pokes.

Thunder: he/him

02-05-2018 13:25:34 UTC

I support pokes.


02-05-2018 14:46:52 UTC

I support Kevan.

derrick: he/him

02-05-2018 15:44:56 UTC

I support Cuddlebeam

Brendan: he/him

02-05-2018 15:53:17 UTC

I support Kevan.


02-05-2018 17:34:41 UTC

I support pokes.

Thunder: he/him

02-05-2018 18:03:05 UTC

Cuddlebeam: Jumble, derrick (2)
Kevan: Corona, Brendan (2)
pokes: Axemabaro, Thunder (2)
Thunder:  (0)
Cpt_Koen: Cuddlebeam (1)

Thunder: he/him

02-05-2018 18:04:45 UTC

On that note, I support Cuddlebeam.


02-05-2018 18:20:33 UTC

I support Kevan

Kevan: he/him

03-05-2018 07:32:18 UTC

I support pokes.

Thunder: he/him

03-05-2018 15:07:28 UTC

Cuddlebeam: Jumble, derrick, Thunder (3)
Kevan: Corona, Brendan, pokes (3)
pokes: Axemabaro, Kevan (2)
Cpt_Koen: Cuddlebeam (1)
All other candidates (Thunder) have zero votes.
Diabecko, card, and Cpt_Koen have not voted.


03-05-2018 15:08:08 UTC

I support Cuddlebeam.


03-05-2018 18:08:49 UTC

Japanese poetry
Verses change along with rules
Haiku are my theme


03-05-2018 18:12:25 UTC


I’d make my dynasty themed after deck-building for a card game with rules and mechanics we’d make up.

The intent is for the focus would be on planning and prediction. Rather than just having the usual game of proposing yourself up and proposing others down, we’d all have the same access to the same cards at the victor-deciding finale; and whoever was best at playing that game (as well as possibly hiding caveats in the rules for themselves from the rest of us), wins.

Each player is a Taxi driver, each card is a route, and Taxi drivers scout new routes to earn money and other perks? Sounds great!


03-05-2018 18:14:37 UTC

I support Kevan.

I’m very curious about pokes’ idea, but I feel like getting votes by being mysterious wouldn’t be fair :p


03-05-2018 20:26:53 UTC

I accept this :)

Plus, the de facto runoff vote (sidebar: I like how it naturally turned into this) seems to be Cuddlebeam v Kevan.


03-05-2018 21:54:03 UTC

I support Kevan.


03-05-2018 21:56:12 UTC

(CoV) Also, your comment doesn’t count, Thunder, because of the “On that note,”


03-05-2018 23:38:49 UTC

Cuddlebeam: Jumble, derrick, Thunder (3)
Kevan: Corona, Brendan, pokes, Cpt_Koen, Axemabaro (5)
pokes: Kevan (1)
Cpt_Koen: Cuddlebeam (1)
Diabecko and I haven’t voted.

Lulu: she/her

03-05-2018 23:44:45 UTC

@Cpt_Koen I don’t really think the dynasty you mentioned is similar enough to Cuddlebeam’s idea for it to be unoriginal.

Kevan: he/him

04-05-2018 07:49:24 UTC

[Koen] Yeah, historically BlogNomic avoids repeating themes, but doesn’t mind about reusing basic mechanics (we’ve had several Werewolf and move-around-on-a-grid dynasties). And Cuddlebeam’s “we’d all have the same access to the same cards at the victor-deciding finale” sounds like a different flavour of deckbuilder anyway, here.

Thunder: he/him

04-05-2018 11:35:41 UTC

I support Cuddlebeam.

Lulu: she/her

04-05-2018 11:56:31 UTC

I support Cuddlebeam.


04-05-2018 21:11:32 UTC

I support Kevan. I support Thunder. I support pokes. I support Cpt_Koen. I support Cuddlebeam. (Mwahaha, I have the most votes!)

Lulu: she/her

04-05-2018 21:22:01 UTC

Why is everyone voting for Kevan?


04-05-2018 21:30:30 UTC

@Jumble: Not to defend Kevan because I obviously want to win as well but, why is anyone voting for me lol.


04-05-2018 21:32:36 UTC

(That said, I personally think I’ve got the best idea because its wouldn’t be the same “system” we’ve had for at least the last year of play + a couple months, the time I’ve been active.)

Lulu: she/her

05-05-2018 00:01:14 UTC

Pretty sure voting’s over and Kevan wins (again)


05-05-2018 00:13:18 UTC

If him winning is a concern… he won’t be a player for you next dynasty lol.

(I agree with that Kevan has a predisposition to winning but it’s not like he can really avoid it. I was also very annoyed at it at first and still am a bit, but quite a lot less.

It’s because I too keep on having the same when I set up nomics, like has happened with AOVNomic . Having the largest de facto “authority” plays a big role when playing a very social game where power of leadership plays a highly profitable role.)


05-05-2018 01:07:10 UTC

The results are in:
Cuddlebeam: Jumble, derrick, Thunder, Corona (4)
Kevan: Corona, Brendan, pokes, Cpt_Koen, Axemabaro (5)
pokes: Kevan, Corona (2)
Cpt_Koen: Cuddlebeam, Corona (2)
Kevan narrowly wins by 1 point!


05-05-2018 05:57:14 UTC

[Thunder: Corona (1)]


05-05-2018 06:10:53 UTC

Oh missed that one somehow, sorry Thunder!

Kevan: he/him

05-05-2018 09:29:46 UTC

Only Koen and I actually specified a theme here, which might be the bigger deal for most people in deciding whether they want to play a dynasty. There’s always scope for dropping or altering mechanics during a game if they aren’t working, but we rarely (if ever?) change the theme mid-dynasty.

Thunder: he/him

05-05-2018 12:07:36 UTC

I got a vote!