Thursday, January 12, 2023

Proposal: The Merchant of Multa

Reached quorum 10 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 13 Jan 2023 09:31:38 UTC

Add a new rule titled “Visitors” and give it the following text:

There is a gamestate variable named Visitor that is a publicly tracked string with a default of “None”. The valid values of Visitor are “None” and the titles of the subrules contained in this rule. The Onlooker may change the value of Visitor by performing the Visitor Arrival operation if the Onlooker has not done so since the last Production of Resources.

Each Settler has a publicly-tracked variable named Visitors Used, which is a string that defaults being empty. The valid values of Visitors Used are an empty string, or one or more of the titles of the subrules contained in this rule.

Visitor Arrival is performed by the Onlooker rolling 2d6, finding the row with that result in the “2d6 Result” column of the table below, and setting the Visitor value to the value from that same row and Visitor column. If the 2d6 result is not in the table, the value of Visitor is set to “None”. If the new value of Visitor is different than the prior value, the Onlooker should remove that prior value from each Settler’s Visitors Used variable that contains that prior value.

{| class="wikitable"
|+ Visitors
! 2d6 Result !! Visitor !!
| 5 || Merchant
| 9 || Merchant

Add a subrule to the rule “Visitors” titled “Merchant” and give it the following text:

While the Visitor value is set to “Merchant”, any Settler who has at least 3 of the same type of item in their Stockpile may do the following as an atomic action, if their Visitors Used variable does not already contain the string “Merchant”:
* Remove 3 of that item from their Stockpile
* Add 1 of a different type of item to their Stockpile
* Add the string “Merchant” to their Visitors Used variable

Exchanging resources in a manner similar to Catan but not exactly like it, plus the mechanics for more NPCs to be added later by other Proposals.


SingularByte: he/him

12-01-2023 13:55:04 UTC

In my eyes, tying it to the production of resources for timing would make sense since that’s also on a 36 hour timer. It could either be done as part of its action, or just a clause like “if the The Onlooker has not done so since the last production of resources”.

Also, it looks like you’ve used the term Narrator here accidentally.

Trapdoorspyder: he/him

12-01-2023 14:05:44 UTC

If the narrator stays for multiple turns in a row then it never changes from merchant to something else then back to merchant again. This means that the merchant doesn’t actually refresh until it leaves and then comes back again. I’m not sure if that was intended or not.

JonathanDark: he/him

12-01-2023 15:02:12 UTC

@SB: Oops on the use of “Narrator”. That’s my own copy-paste issue. Fixed, and thanks for pointing it out.

@TDS: It was absolutely intentional that resource trading with the Merchant can only happen once until the Merchant leaves and comes back again, even if the Merchant comes up again in another Visitor Arrival roll. If you feel that this limits the trading ability too much, I can simply change it to “once after each time the Onlooker performs Visitor Arrival”.

JonathanDark: he/him

12-01-2023 15:04:22 UTC

@SB: I also removed the explicit 36-hour timer and changed the clause to coincide with the Production of Resources, as you suggested.

Trapdoorspyder: he/him

12-01-2023 15:23:52 UTC

I don’t mind at all, I just wanted to make sure it was intentional

Kevan: he/him

12-01-2023 15:29:55 UTC

Narratively it makes sense to wait for the Merchant to leave and come back, but doesn’t seem ideal that we’d have to look through the wiki history to double-check whether the Merchant standing around on turn 7 is a different Merchant to the one we remember selling some Bricks to on turn 4.

SingularByte: he/him

12-01-2023 15:43:21 UTC

Nothing would stop us tracking a “Merchant used” column (either formally or informally) which gets reset every time we get a new merchant arrival. Could even be a Visitor Used column if several of them have usage limits.

JonathanDark: he/him

12-01-2023 16:16:14 UTC

Great idea, SB. I’ve edited this Proposal to formalized the Visitors Used idea. Please re-review, as I also made the use of the Merchant by each Explorer an atomic action to make clear that the steps must go together.

SingularByte: he/him

12-01-2023 16:36:47 UTC

I’d have personally just done it as a yes/no type field if you can only do stuff before people leave, but I suppose it depends on how complex other visitors get.

JonathanDark: he/him

12-01-2023 16:43:27 UTC

Yeah, I wanted to make it flexible in case things change that allow multiple Visitors to be around at the same time. Maybe that’s looking too far forward, so if it is preferred to reduce it to a simpler checkbox-like field, let me know. I still have an hour to edit it as of this comment.


12-01-2023 18:18:07 UTC


Trapdoorspyder: he/him

12-01-2023 19:57:03 UTC


Kevan: he/him

12-01-2023 19:58:10 UTC


SingularByte: he/him

12-01-2023 20:10:04 UTC


Raven1207: Monarchple he/they

12-01-2023 20:24:18 UTC



12-01-2023 21:15:13 UTC


quirck: he/him

12-01-2023 21:18:29 UTC


Josh: he/they

12-01-2023 22:25:41 UTC


Janet: she/her

13-01-2023 06:58:53 UTC
