Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Proposal: Third time’s a charm

Yoda’s proposal committed harikiri - Jack

Adminned at 05 Mar 2008 12:05:48 UTC

If proposal false start fails, add a dynastic rule ‘Pirate or Ninja’ with the following text:

All Captains have a Role, which is either Pirate or Ninja, to be chosen by em and to be tracked in the GNDT, may not change eir Role once it is chosen, and may take no other actions outlined in Section Two of the ruleset if eir Role is not set.

Add a dynastic rule ‘Ships’ with the following text:

All Captains have a Ship, which has a name, that may not be the same as any other Ship’s name, and is to be tracked in the GNDT.

Add a dynastic rule ‘Gold’ with the following text:

All Captains have a certain amount of Gold, measured in coins, initially set to 100 coins, and is to be tracked in the GNDT.


Clucky: he/him

04-03-2008 23:33:42 UTC


We can fix when it passes. Other rules now depend on that one passing.

arthexis: he/him

04-03-2008 23:45:31 UTC

Ok, I’ll vote no on this one, then vote yes on the original and on the fix.  against


04-03-2008 23:46:03 UTC

against s/k for Fix