Proposal: [Core] [Dynastic] Triumvirate.
Fewer than a quorum not voting AGAINST. Failed 1 vote to 5 by Kevan.
Adminned at 03 Jul 2017 08:11:09 UTC
If Pokes, Kevan and Orkboi don’t vote FOR for this, this proposal does nothing.
Amend rule 1.3 “Dynasties” by replacing:
BlogNomic is divided into a number of Dynasties. Each Dynasty may be headed by a single Explorer, known as the Expedition Leader. If there is no Expedition Leader, the Dynasty is a Metadynasty.
BlogNomic is divided into a number of Dynasties. Each Dynasty may be headed by one or more Explorers, known as the Expedition Leaders. If there is no Expedition Leader, the Dynasty is a Metadynasty.
Add a new section called “Triumvirate”, within it, add:
The Explorers named Kevan, pokes and orkboi have achieved Victory and shall all three be the next Expedition Leaders of the next Dynasty. Each of those Explorers may pass this role to another Explorer during the associated DoV by making a post to that effect, if they wish.
Contains copypasta from Koen’s proposal.
About the copy-pasting: there was an overwhelming majority of against votes on my Proposal. Kevan explained his vote, but he was pretty much the only one to do so. Sphinx even voted against while commenting it was a fine idea. I’d repropose something different if I knew what you didn’t like, but voting against while saying you like it makes it hard to respond.