Story Post: Turn 4 - Up, Up, and Away
Darknight decided to take a nap in the Foyer.
Raven1207 walked North to check the wall of the Sitting Room again, but there was still no Secret Passage. While he was there, a new door appeared East in the Sitting Room.
Trapdoorspyder walked East to check out the Supply Closet. As he was leaving, a new door appeared North in the Tea Room.
Bucky peeked West into the Dining Room with his Lit Flashlight and took note of what he saw. Benbot decided to sit down and take a breather in the Hallway, while quirck walked Up to the Gallery, where he found more rooms North, South, and West.
SingularByte walked East into the Hallway to join some of the others there.
Josh and Kevan both walked North into the Hallway, Kevan’s Lit Flashlight leaving the Utility Room and plunging it into darkness.
Habanero grabbed the Lit Flashlight in the Supply Closet, while Brendan leaned up against the wall and closed his eyes for some quick shut-eye.