Proposal: Victory by Sainthood
2-6, cannot be enacted without a CoV. -Elias IX
Adminned at 24 Jun 2006 11:47:24 UTC
Add a new Rule to the Ruleset entitled “Sainthood” containing the following text:
If a Monk has a Station of Heaven, {Blessings of at least one,} Integrity of at least 90 and has never broken a vow, e may often make a comment to the GNDT containing three DICE21 checks. If three of these checks have the same result, e has acheived Victory.
If at least one third of all comments containing counted votes also contain the text “Don’t be a snob”, delete the part of the above rule surrounded by brackets.
Delete the brackets from the above Rule.
Angry Grasshopper:
Another victory by dice checks proposal?