Proposal: Viruses Are Bad For Everyone!
Timed Out. Fails 1-5—Clucky
Adminned at 30 Apr 2021 01:29:23 UTC
Add the following subrule, called “Corruption”, to the rule “Data”:
When the Location containing an AI’s Hosting tag has six or more Viruses, that AI is Corrupted. When a Location with a Hosting tag gains its sixth Virus, that Location immediately gains Viruses until its Data Store is full.
When a Corrupted AI takes the Planting Viruses action, a Virus is removed from the Location with their Hosting tag.
Before a Corrupted AI takes any action that would be added to the Behavior Log, they must roll a DICE6 (naming the action they intend to perform in the Dice Roller post) and experience an effect based on the number rolled before performing the intended action:
* 1. You must take the Focusing action, choosing a randomly-selected Location.
* 2. You must copy the action named in a randomly-selected Behavior Log entry. If the Behavior log is empty, perform the Glitching action described below.
* 3-5. You must take the Managing Data action, choosing the Nth letter of the alphabet, where N is the result of a DICE26.
* 6. You may remove one Virus from the Location with your Hosting tag.Once a Corrupted AI rolls a DICE6, they must follow through with the intended action they named in the Dice Roller post after the effects take place. If a Corrupted AI would be forced by this rule to perform an action they cannot legally perform, they instead perform a Treacherous action called Glitching. If they cannot perform the Glitching action, they take neither action.
Add to the list of Epiphanies:
* POISON (Fruit, Fire, Computer): When you take the Planting Viruses action, you may add 2 Viruses instead of one.
* CURE (Medicine, Timepiece): When you stop being Corrupted, 2 Viruses are immediately removed from the Location with your Hosting tag.
how about a way for AIs to do more than just help eachother? this is also a way for players who can no longer win due to Versions to sabotage those with lower Versions than them :0
Kevan: he/him