Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Proposal: What’s That, Skippy?

Reaches quorum and passes 7-0-1. But it, uh, doesn’t actually create a rule, which means that its second event doesn’t trigger immediately and does nothing. -RaichuKFM

Adminned at 05 Mar 2014 12:46:12 UTC

One Infected may be the Communicant, their identity being tracked in the next sentence. The current Communicant is: nobody.

The Communicant may cast the Alien’s vote for them on a proposal by making a comment on that proposal with exactly six voting icons in a row, followed by an arrow - this comment does not count as a vote by the Communicant. The voting icon which appears most frequently in the row is considered to be the Alien’s vote on that proposal, and must correspond to the Alien’s Opinion on that proposal.

The Alien has a Distress Call and a Mobbing Call, both of which are English words tracked privately by the Communicant, and initially undefined. If the Calls are undefined, the Communicant may choose new words for them. When an Infected ceases to be the Communicant, both Calls become undefined.

If a Proposal contains a Mobbing Call and no Distress Call, the Alien’s Opinion of the proposal is that it should vote FOR. If a Proposal contains a Distress Call and no Mobbing Call, the Alien’s Opinion of the proposal is that it should vote AGAINST. If neither of these is the case, the Alien’s Opinion is that it should vote DEFERENTIAL.

Upon enactment of this rule, make a random Infected (other than the Alien) the Communicant.


RaichuKFM: she/her

04-03-2014 13:04:55 UTC


RaichuKFM: she/her

04-03-2014 13:38:02 UTC

Also, the arrow is ARROW flanked by colons.


04-03-2014 15:28:07 UTC



04-03-2014 15:28:16 UTC



04-03-2014 16:52:49 UTC


Josh: he/they

04-03-2014 17:48:06 UTC



05-03-2014 01:23:35 UTC


RaichuKFM: she/her

05-03-2014 02:11:14 UTC

Someone should probably add the Arrow button back in. Purplebeard took it out because it usually didn’t serve a purpose, but I think its potential for Dynasty-specific purposes merits it its own button.


05-03-2014 03:46:55 UTC


Kevan: he/him

05-03-2014 09:56:07 UTC

Arrow added back since this looks like it’s going to pass. I think we should remove it at the end of the Dynasty, though; it seems needlessly confusing to present players with something that looks like a legal voting option but actually does nothing.


05-03-2014 10:46:01 UTC

It tends to be just as confusing when a new player sees someone use an arrow and doesn’t know how it was made (or what it’s for). There’s an FAQ entry about it, which helps clear up the confusion in either direction.


05-03-2014 10:46:37 UTC

Also, have we seriously had the same veto icon ever since I stopped playing? That thing used to change every dynasty.

Kevan: he/him

05-03-2014 10:52:48 UTC

Both are equally confusing events, but someone manually commenting an arrow only happens very occasionally, while the comment icon bar appears on every single blog post, every day.


05-03-2014 12:05:40 UTC

Yes, the reason I removed the button was that we kept getting questions about its purpose.

RaichuKFM: she/her

05-03-2014 20:44:50 UTC

Well, we failed a spot check.