Thursday, January 22, 2009

Yo dawg.

I think rule 2.5.1 should probably say

If a rule would allow a Member to remove such an ingredient from the Ingredients List, that action may only be taken if that Member spends 1 Fuel.

as currently it refers to all ingredients, and I think that defeats the point—or am I mistaken? If the intended purpose of the rule was to to make it so that any time you remove an ingredient from the list, we need to reverse alot of fridge cleaning/cooking as none of us have fuel.

If the intended purpose of the rule is to make it so that named ingredients have a slight cost attached to them, we should just change the rule and pretended it was always written that way.

But I really donno the intended purpose of the rule, so I’m just posting this for now.



arthexis: he/him

22-01-2009 05:36:48 UTC

Yes, it should be reproposed. Maybe It was a typo on my part.