Proposal: You Forgot The Essence Of The Game
Adminned at 27 Jan 2023 04:05:26 UTC
Add the following to the end of the third paragraph in the rule Factions:
Each Kingdom has a Favoured Resource, which is detailed on the table below.
Add a new column to the table of Factions in the same rule, headed Resource, and set the values as follows: Unaffiliated to -, Amber to Brick, Silver to Wood, Purple to Jute, Cobalt to Rye.
Add a new building to the list in the rule Buildings:
Cone (5 Stone, 5 of any other single Resource) This is listed in the Settlement list of the Settler who built is as “X Cone”, where X is the Abbreviated Name of the Faction whose Favoured Resource was the non-Stone Item used to build it. Cones of different Factions are considered to be different buildings for the purposes of building restrictions.
If Proposal: Iron Deficiency was enacted, change the 5 Stone in the build cost for the Cone to 3 Iron.
Add a new dynastic rule, called It’s About The Cones:
Any Settler who has four Cones in their Settlement has achieved Victory.
Enacted 7-0. TDS