Proposal: You sir, are no Jack Kennedy
Adminned at 07 Aug 2008 04:02:08 UTC
If Proposal: Supporters not Votes fails, this proposal does nothing.
Create a new dynastic rule “Debates” with the text:
If there are no Debate posts that have not been resolved, the President Thog may begin a Debate by creating a story post with the text “Debate” in the title. This will indicate that it is a Debate post. A Debate post must contain the following information:
Length: A whole number, minimum 30, which will indicate the length of response for a Candidate.
Venue: A whole number, minimum 10, which will indicate the maximum Support earned.
Issue: A phrase or question to which the Candidates respond.Any Candidate wishing to enter the Debate will post a reply to the Debate post with the phrase “I will enter.” The Candidate then must provide the President Thog with a response (pm Amnistar) containing up to Length number of words, but not exceeding Length. This pm must begin with the word “Debate” so President Thog can recognize it as such a response. The response shall not mention any candidate. The reply and response must both be completed within 72 hours of the Debate post being posted.
After 72 hours have passed, the President Thog must post a story post with “Debate resolution” in the title. The body of the Debate resolution must contain a complete copy of the text of each valid pm he had recieved, in no particular order, each with an ascending numeric in front starting with number 1. The copied text should have the first word “Debate” omitted. In no way should the Candidate who created each text be revealed in this post. If there is one or fewer responses recieved, the Debate is resolved with no effect. Any Candidate, even those choosing not to debate, may reply to the Debate resolution only once. In the text of their reply they may choose to enter a single numeric once. They may only choose a numeric in front of a response that was not identical to their own response, and only a numeric that appears in the text of the body. 48 hours after the Debate resolution, the President Thog resolves the Debate. At this time the number of numeric replies are tallied. The Candidate whose numeric appears most in the replies is deemed the winner, and shall be awarded with Supporters equal to Venue. If the result is a tie, all tied Candidates for winner recieve Supporters equal to Venue. President Thog may, if he chooses, award any additional Candidates of his choosing whose text recieved at least one numeric reply up to half Venue rounded down. He may, if he chooses, penalize any candidate not recieving any numeric reply Supporters by half Venue rounded down
I’m hoping that makes sense. Idea being a public ballot, with the author of the response being anonymous until resolved.
Darknight: he/him