Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Proposal: You snooze, you lose

Times out and passes 4-0. Enacted by Brendan.

Adminned at 25 Jun 2021 22:28:57 UTC

Append to the first paragraph of the rule “Sepulchres” the following:

To collapse a Sepulchre is to take an Atomic Action that entails setting the Vampire Lord whose Sepulchre it was to have no Sepulchre, making the room that was most recently their Sepulchre Dark, and removing that room’s name, description and effect.

Reword the sentence beginning “When the Crypt Settles” in the rule “Sepulchres” as follows:

When the Crypt Settles, if Richardo von Nestor moved into a room which was a Vampire Lord’s Sepulchre, then Richardo von Nestor must collapse the Sepulchre. When a Vampire Lord becomes idle while having a Sepulchre, then if no other Vampire Lord has collapsed that former Sepulchre since the idle Vampire Lord became idle, any Vampire Lord may collapse that former Sepulchre.

Append to the paragraph beginning “Each Vampire Lord has an Allegiance…” in the rule “Vampire Lords” the following:

If a Vampire Lord’s Allegiance is set to the name of an idle Vampire Lord, they are not Enthralled, and may set their Allegiance to none at any time.

I think the way Sycophancy is worded already handles idleness, as do Sigils and Glyphs.


Brendan: he/him

23-06-2021 22:12:35 UTC

Also, astonished that I got dibs on the first proposal ever to have this slug.

Kevan: he/him

23-06-2021 22:33:27 UTC

Josh: he/they

23-06-2021 22:38:13 UTC

We snoozed, we loosed

Lulu: she/her

23-06-2021 23:35:25 UTC

Seems too easy to abuse by idling out on purpose.


24-06-2021 05:38:12 UTC

You can’t collapse the Sepulchre of an idle Vampire Lord because you can’t “[set] the Vampire Lord whose Sepulchre it was to have no Sepulchre” as that is not tracked, and the action’s atomic.

Josh: he/they

24-06-2021 09:00:42 UTC

No vote from me on this one

Josh: he/they

24-06-2021 09:00:59 UTC

I guess I can use arrow to signify that

Kevan: he/him

24-06-2021 09:25:17 UTC


Janet: she/her

24-06-2021 17:19:17 UTC


lemon: she/her

25-06-2021 13:30:05 UTC

tentative for