A case for special consideration
We have nine Special Case rules now, and the latest addition (“The Tree”) just doesn’t seem to fit there. This made me realise that a cleanup might be in order, and other rules might be moved out of this section as well, either to the Appendix or to the Core Rules.
To aid in this decision, I decided to conduct a survey of Special Case rules and how often they have been deactivated. It’s not perfect (I checked the history mostly in ten-day intervals), but I think I caught everything, or almost everything; I intended it to cover the last two years, but I extended it back to September 2017 when I realised that’s when the Special Case section itself was created. Here is what I found:
– “Dormancy” started its life as Inactive during the Katamari Dynasty; this continued into the Metadynasty that followed, and the Dynasty after that. At that point arose questions about its exact workings, and it was temporarily repealed by CfJ in December 2017 (to be reinstated a couple of weeks later). I believe it was switched off once, by Proposal, near the end of the end of the Tech Project Dynasty (last May).
– “Combos”, “Tags”, “Atomic Actions” were the first rules to populate the Special Case section, soon followed by “Seasonal Downtime” (right after “Dormancy”); these were all active and have remained so ever since. Of these, only “Combos” is no longer in the books: it was considered to be troublesome and was repealed in February 2018. (Not everyone agreed with this view at the time, but the abolition of the GNDT might have changed that now.)
– “Orphan Variables” appeared around the turn of 2018 and, in its first incarnation, actually drew this comment from Kevan: “Would we ever realistically want to switch this off, though?” Indeed, this rule has also never been switched off.
Compare these rules with the next batch…
– “Imperial Deferentials” was created in July 2018 and “Dynastic Distance” was transferred (with modifications) from the Dynastic ruleset in August 2018. They were both deactivated by Proposal a few days after the beginning of the Tron Programming Dynasty, and the same happened in the Activism Dynasty that followed (autumn 2018). “Dynastic Distance” was also deactivated by Proposal in the Moonbase Dynasty in mid-2019.
– In July 2019, “The Traitor” was created. Both it and “Dynastic Distance” were set to inactive in the Ascension Address of the Climate Change dynasty, but both were eventually reactivated by Proposal. In the Enneagram dynasty, “Imperial Deferentials”, “The Traitor” and “Dynastic Distance” were initially set to inactive, but “The Traitor” was then reactivated by Proposal.
These three are actually rules that are switched on and off occasionally, at least for the time being, and it makes sense to keep them in the Special Case section. “Dormancy” and “Seasonal Downtime” I’d also keep there; I can imagine this being useful in the future.
“Tags” and “No Orphan Variables” I’d move out. “The Tree” as well, as long as we’re supposed to be adding information to the Player Tree without paying attention to when we add it. If we’re meant to wait for some reward to be instituted before we name our Recruiters, it kind of defeats the point; it certainly doesn’t sound reasonable that anyone would start a dynasty now and consciously shut down the Tree. The only one I don’t have a firm opinion about is “Atomic Actions”; can we think of circumstances where disabling them helps us somehow?
So, discuss: do you agree with moving these rules out of Special Case? And if so, where would you put them?
Lulu: she/her
fyi, you accidentally doubleposted again