Proposal: Acquital (1482/11/25)
2-1. Timed out.—Chronos
Adminned at 21 Jul 2006 07:44:30 UTC
Enact a local rule Acquital (1482/11/25):
Whenever a Traveller’s TL becomes 1482/11/25, that Traveller is acquited of all eir previous Chronocrimes, if any, ceasing to be guilty of them.
If Proposal: Not So Fast has passed, the Acquital local rule shall have this text instead:
Whenever a Traveller’s travels to 1482/11/25, that Traveller is acquited of all eir previous Chronocrimes, and may change eir Company’s from “Renegade” to “Freelance” upon changing eir TL to 1482/11/25.
Notice this is local to (1482/11/25)