Proposal: An Exhibition of Yourself
8-1 = quorum = enactment + coppro
Adminned at 30 Sep 2011 18:15:25 UTC
In the rule “Critical Acclaim”, replace “An Artist may add 1 to their Acclaim for every icon present in a comment by another Artist on one of their posts.” with:-
As a weekly Action, an Artist may Exhibit a Work of Art that they posted themselves during the previous seven days, and which has not already been Exhibited. Upon Exhibiting a Work of Art, the Artist:-
- Gains 1 Acclaim if three or more Artists have expressed Approval of the Work.
- Gains Acclaim bonuses from any Open Zeitgeist Criteria which apply to the Work.
If an Artist has not made a new proposal for five or more days then, provided that no other Artist has done so in the preceding 3 days, any other Artist may reduce their Acclaim by 5, to a minimum of zero.
Remove “If an Artist makes a post that satisfies an Open Zeitgeist Criterion then they may, within 24 hours of making the post, claim the stated reward in Acclaim for doing so.” from the ruleset.
Reduce the Acclaim of all Artists to zero.
Merging the Zeitgeist and Acclaim bonuses, and fixing some of the problems with the original rule (that you can gain infinite Acclaim by invoking “may add 1 to their Acclaim” again and again; that you can spam the blog with Zeitgeist-fitting posts to get as many Zeitgeist Criteria bonuses as you wish).
Also resetting everyone’s Acclaim to zero, since it’s trivial to generate infinite Acclaim under the original wording, and - if this proposal passes - it’d be unfair to give any advantage to the players who happen to be online between the original proposal passing and this one fixing its loopholes.
Josh: he/they