Friday, November 10, 2017

Proposal: Archmaster’s Watch

reached quorum 5-0 enacted by card

Adminned at 13 Nov 2017 21:04:02 UTC

Add a new rule called “Archmaster’s Watch”:

Each Tesser is being watched by the Archmaster or not, and this is tracked in the GNDT. The Archmaster can only watch one Tesser at a time. A Tesser that is being Watched by the Archmaster cannot perform Forbidden Spells but gain 1 more Power whenever they gain Power as the Archmaster grants them extra tutelage (this doesn’t affect gains provided by this rule).

A Tesser can pay 2 Power to Point to Someone and change who the Archmaster is watching to someone else other than themselves.

All Spells with the string “Summon” in them are Forbidden.

Make the Archmaster watch a randomly selected Tesser.


derrick: he/himIdle

10-11-2017 20:20:37 UTC


Diabecko: Idle

10-11-2017 20:59:24 UTC

for  arrow

card: Idle

11-11-2017 16:41:43 UTC


Darknight: he/him

11-11-2017 21:29:17 UTC


Grynk: Idle

13-11-2017 17:25:27 UTC
