Proposal: Banhammer++
DDA experimental Anthonazor weaponry has been applied to this proposal—Rodlen
Adminned at 13 Jan 2009 21:22:56 UTC
Any user with admin powers may check that the users Qwazukee and Wakukee have the same IP address.
This is in strict violation of Rule 1.2 which states
A single person may not control more than one Citizen within BlogNomic. If anybody is suspected of controlling more than one Citizen, then a Proposal may be made to remove any number of such Citizen from the game, and to bar the perpetrator from rejoining.
Ban Qwazukee and Wakukee from the game of BlogNomic.
Clucky: he/him
Note, I realize you might be two people on the same computer—but I feel that you should’ve been upfront about at the start. By now the excuse just looks like just that—an excuse.