Monday, December 13, 2021

Proposal: Behold, my stuff

Passes 9-0. Enacted by Brendan.

Adminned at 15 Dec 2021 01:19:52 UTC

Add a new rule to the dynastic ruleset, called Roadside Tat:

Each Tripper can be carrying up to three Souveniers, which are publicly tracked and default to blank (i.e. carrying no Souvenier).

Once per Stop, a Tripper may generate a Souvenier from that Stop and acquire it. Generating a Souvenier entails randomly selecting a Souvenier type from the [[Souvenier]] page on the wiki and adding ‘of x’ to that, where x is the name of the current Stop. If acquiring a Souvenier would cause a Tripper to have more than three Souveniers then they may freely choose one of their existing Souveniers to discard.


Brendan: he/him

13-12-2021 14:43:05 UTC

This newly discovered UK/US spelling disparity is so much worse for my brain than “flavour.” (Do we want to lock editing of that wiki page, or lock it to a specific revision?)

Josh: he/they

13-12-2021 14:55:34 UTC

Rules and Votable Matters already covers it (“If a wiki page becomes gamestate as a result of a Votable Matter enacting, that page shall – unless otherwise specified – be reverted to whatever state it was in at the time of that Votable Matter’s submission (and if the page did not exist at that time, it shall be blanked).”)

Re Souveniers - I think this might be a Josh-is-old-fashioned thing - the internet and my spellcheck desperately want me to write Souvenirs but that is wrong and I will die on this hill.

Josh: he/they

13-12-2021 15:02:08 UTC

(for the sake of posterity, let it be noted that the EE timestamp issue is at work here, and this edit was the live one on the wiki when the “submit” button was pushed on the post form

Brendan: he/him

13-12-2021 15:37:27 UTC

Huh, does it thereby follow that it’s illegal to edit the page-that-is-gamestate after this enacts unless it’s explicitly allowed?

Josh: he/they

13-12-2021 16:00:02 UTC

Sort of! The definition of gamestate gives us

Any information which the Ruleset regulates the alteration of. All wiki pages that the Dynastic Rules explicitly mention (except for dynastic histories and discussion pages) and any images or Templates contained within those Wiki Pages are assumed to be Gamestate.

But you can for example store non-gamestate information on a gamestate wiki page; the rules surrounding this are a bit of a mess but it’s beyond my wit to fix it

Snisbo: she/they

13-12-2021 17:58:35 UTC

> “have ore than three”

Brendan: he/him

13-12-2021 20:46:27 UTC

for “ore” can be fixed under the typo rule.

Brendan: he/him

13-12-2021 20:46:44 UTC

Oh, and indeed it has been fixed already.

Raven1207: Monarchple he/they

13-12-2021 21:45:57 UTC


Trapdoorspyder: he/him

13-12-2021 22:33:01 UTC


Snisbo: she/they

14-12-2021 05:29:51 UTC

for I always forget the typo rule. Makes it feel like I’m voting in a potential problem/scam when I see typos anyway, though.

Kevan: he/him

14-12-2021 09:22:24 UTC


Clucky: he/him

14-12-2021 16:50:08 UTC


Janet: she/her

14-12-2021 23:31:04 UTC


lemon: she/her

15-12-2021 00:31:30 UTC
