Call for Judgment: Bountiempty
Revert the enactment of the Bounty Notice “A win condition we can agree on” and all Triumph awards deriving from that enactment.
ais523 has given SingularByte a Triumph for the Bounty specified at A win condition we can agree on. I reverted this award on the ground of it being illegal, as Masterminds cannot currently satisfy the vote-posting requirements for a Bounty, which read:
If a Mastermind credit that one or more enacted Votable Matters satisfy the demand of an Open Bounty Notice, they may post a comment to that Bounty Notice with a FOR icon and the names of each Participant (other than themselves) who authored at least one of those Votable Matters.
“If a Mastermind credit” is not a syntactically valid clause in English. The verb “credit” gains an s when conjugated by a singular subject like “a Mastermind.” ais defended this in the gamestate tracking page comments by noting that it is “slightly ungrammatical,” which is another way of saying that it is syntactically invalid.
I myself don’t think the Masterminds should get to interpret sentences that don’t make sense in whatever way they prefer. Why are we playing a round of nomic that hinges on character-injection to change rule meanings if we can just handwave it away when the text changes to break them?
ais is free to use a Heist Action to fix the sentence in question by pluralizing “credit,” at which point I will raise another CfJ, on the grounds that the Bounty specified “a win condition to be added to the ruleset,” and no such win condition exists.
Josh: Mastermind he/they
I’m going to vote for this simply because ais’ re-reversion rather than raising a CfJ himself was such poor etiquette.