Friday, August 04, 2023

Proposal: Commons People, Like You

Reached quorum 4 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 05 Aug 2023 07:21:42 UTC

Add a new dynastic rule to the ruleset, called Commons:

There exist a number of Commons, all of which are detailed in this rule. Each District may be connected to a number of Commons up to its population divided by 100, rounded up; the Commons to which each District is connected are publicly tracked. A District may establish a connection to a Common at any time, provided that they meet the population criteria, but once established, such a connection may not be broken.

The available Commons are:
The Grazing Lands
The Deserted Barracks
Shrine to Iclaseer
Shrine to Oseele

As a daily action, a District may Gather. Gathering is an atomic action with the following steps:
* Calculate n, where n is the number of days since they last Gathered, or the number of days since the most recent Ascension Address was posted if they have yet to Gather in this dynasty;
* Gain n * 0.1 Food for each connection that District has to the Grazing Land, rounded to the nearest whole number;
* Gain n * 0.1 Defences for each connection that District has to the Deserted Barracks, rounded to the nearest whole number;
* Randomly select one Concequence and apply it. For each connection that district has to a Shrine of Iclasser, randomly select and apply one additional Concequence. For each connection that District has to a Shrine of Oseele, randomly select and apply one Downside Concequence.


Kevan: he/him

04-08-2023 11:15:45 UTC

Dilemmas will be happening once per day, so I think anything that you’d want to be a regular-ish action could just be framed as part of that that.

Either literally creating an Upside that just says “Gather”, or (since this may get crowded out by too many other Upsides later on) having a multipurpose Upside called “Command” or something, where choosing that outcome allows the player to pick one action from a list, including Gather.

Josh: he/they

04-08-2023 12:19:32 UTC

I think the intent here is more to create a parallel mechanic track, per Bucky’s Maxim of Two Things; the hook of food and defence is just because that’s all there is so far.

lemon: she/her

04-08-2023 13:26:20 UTC

could u elaborate on Bucky’s Maxim of Two Things? it’s not ringing any bells and i’m curious!

lemon: she/her

04-08-2023 13:26:49 UTC

oh, i still have the emperor tag. kevan’s supposed to have that!

Josh: he/they

04-08-2023 13:38:18 UTC

Can’t remember where but Bucky once asserted that a dynasty needs two main mechanics to feel satisfying (paraphrase, hopefully haven’t butchered the intent…). I wouldn’t call it an iron-clad law but I do like to keep it in mind in the early dynasty, when there’s a reasonable impulse to centralise design around a single driving interaction.

Kevan: he/him

04-08-2023 16:44:04 UTC

Two mechanics, or two methods of taking game actions? I know the latter has come up before over whether it’s good to have extra ways for players to amend gamestate outside of the main actions, as a way to pass the time. (I’m still unconvinced about that one.)

for Good directions otherwise, but I would probably push to nudge Gathering into the Dilemmas somehow.


04-08-2023 19:20:54 UTC

I think Josh is remembering the second comment on this post:

imperial since I have concerns about the 101 population breakpoint, and the possibility of consistent growth rather than mere shuffling may be inconsistent with the theme and direction of the dynasty, but the degree to which those matter depends on the imperial vision.

JonathanDark: he/him

04-08-2023 22:48:07 UTC

for But I will be in favor of removing the consequence step, as it feels out-of-place with the rest of the idea.