Cuddle skips victory
Method Summary: Proposal -> changed category into DoV via Alteration -> DoV’s Pending status changed to Enacted via Alteration, all done really quickly.
The Ruleset and Gamestate can only be altered in manners specified by the Ruleset.
An official post may be altered by its author if it is less than six hours old and either no Failed Experiment has commented on it or (if it is a Votable Matter) if all comments on it contain no voting icons; otherwise this can only be done as allowed by the Ruleset.
Alter means to change in plain english, to make an alteration (whichever it may be).
The plain use aside, it is also heavily implied that it is in fact a generic, “anything”, change, by necessity in the first quote (doesn’t work for all circumstances of the game otherwise), and by implication in the second one (mentions that the category can’t be changed, when category-changing doesn’t exist as an explicit ability players have - unless we consider that “may be altered” grants it, in which case, it must be a generic “anything” change.)
So, during that time-frame where I can “alter” an official post, I can do anything with it. I also did it all under 15 minutes, because otherwise the category-changing restriction kicks in.
As for actually accessing the formal data to use these Alteration powers upon, I used the Orphanage (most notably, the Pending/Enacted status are tracked on blog posts, but the Orphanage lets me bypass that).
For gamestate which is tracked in a specific place (such as the GNDT or a wiki page), any alteration of that gamestate as a result of a Failed Experiment’s action is (and can only be) applied by editing that data in that place.
An Orphan Variable is a gamestate variable which, if it weren’t for this rule, wouldn’t be tracked on neither a wiki page nor the GNDT. A Orphanage wiki page exists, which tracks Orphan Variables, and when an Orphan Variable’s value is changed, its is recommended to be performed along a blog post which states that it has been changed.
There is also no Hiatus, because I do not believe I have achieved victory (and I’m not using the clause in “Victory and Ascension” create the DoV anyways).
Proposals have been sitting there for days, nothing is happening, so I decide to pull a scam to claim a dynasty without needing to achieve victory.
“Proposal -> changed category into DoV via Alteration -> DoV’s Pending status changed to Enacted”
Then why isn’t your DoV enacted? It’s status is still pending.