Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Dilemma #20 - The Tunnels

Storm drains and access tunnels criss-cross the city, most having collapsed and flooded to some degree over the decades. Engineering teams venturing underground to effect repairs to the electrical grid have reported encountering groups of people living down there in the darkness, and are reluctant to proceed.

Do the Districts attempt to clear the tunnels, or work towards a truce with the inhabitants?

Clear: Gain 4 to your Energy Trap and Randomly select a number from 0 to 2, inclusive; then randomly select and apply that number of Downsides (excluding this one) to yourself

Truce: Gain 5 People (Troglodytes) and Randomly select a number from 0 to 2, inclusive; then randomly select and apply that number of Downsides (excluding this one) to yourself


Josh: he/they

22-08-2023 10:47:46 UTC

The Trogologytes are our brethren and I welcome them into the city. I Truce.

lemon: she/herIdle

22-08-2023 13:48:24 UTC

immediately falling victim to the gambler’s fallacy, i’m going to assume that with every roll having resulted in a 2 so far, the next one’s /sure/ to land on a 0.


lemon: she/herIdle

22-08-2023 13:54:15 UTC

...that was maybe the worst that could have /possibly/ gone ;n;

lendunistus: he/himIdle

23-08-2023 08:41:36 UTC

I form a truce. no choice but to gamble, I suppose

JonathanDark: he/him

23-08-2023 13:17:24 UTC

Truce! I hope these Troglodytes can become valuable contributors to our society.