Proposal: Division Of Labor
Timed out and enacted, 6-2. Josh
Adminned at 20 Jan 2022 17:40:43 UTC
Add to the rule “Departments” as a new paragraph:
A proposal is a Departmental Proposal if and only if it mentions by name any number of departments, includes the phrase “A memo for my coworkers”, its effects are limited to changing the ranks of members of that Department, and it does not include the phrase “All departments” or a synonym for it. Only employees who are members of the departments named in a Departmental Proposal may vote on that Departmental Proposal; all other votes are invalid. For the purpose of calculating the quorum for a Departmental Proposal, only the Employees whose votes would be valid are considered to be Employees.
Cooperation is encouraged at BBC! However, so is isolationism.
Brendan: he/him
I think this is a pretty quick route to a roll-off victory proposal. You’d only need three confederates to pull it off, even if the rest of the department and the CEO all vote against.