Tuesday, January 07, 2020

Game Changelog

Good to see some old players unidling. It’s probably worth us maintaining a list of significant changes to the game, so that a returning player can get up to speed without having to close-read the entire Core ruleset - I’ve made a start with a Game Changelog wiki page, listing the three obvious things I can think of.


Brendan: he/himIdle

07-01-2020 21:08:32 UTC

I’m not even 40 yet.

Josh: he/they

07-01-2020 22:03:12 UTC

I’m even less 40 than he is.

Josh: he/they

07-01-2020 22:03:47 UTC

But also, thank you, this is genuinely easing some of the anxiety I feel at the fact that apparently we don’t have a GNDT any more?

Madrid: Idle

07-01-2020 22:10:44 UTC

I’m mentally 2

Josh: he/they

10-01-2020 09:24:37 UTC

The Imperial Deferential is also new