Proposal: Housing Regulations
Self Killed. Failed by Derrick
Adminned at 23 May 2019 21:15:25 UTC
A Quarters module may not be placed adjacent to a Power module or a Dock module.
In case of power overload or loss of atmospheric pressure.
Self Killed. Failed by Derrick
Adminned at 23 May 2019 21:15:25 UTC
A Quarters module may not be placed adjacent to a Power module or a Dock module.
In case of power overload or loss of atmospheric pressure.
Thanks derrick, that’s a big help! Can I try re-posting in the correct format?
Yes, But its better for you to edit this one into the correct format.
since you can no longer edit this and since it makes no changes to the ruleset
Yeah, sorry, I was at work so the two hours passed before I could edit it. I’ll try again.
derrick: he/him
Welcome to blognomic!
We actually can’t enact rules by stating them in proposals: we make changes to the rule-set. For example, you could have prefaced your rule with “Add to the rule Drops”.
You can edit your proposal until someone votes on it or until two hours has passed.
As an additional thought, its unclear in your rule if this forbids blocks from having docks or power modules adjacent to quarters or if it only effects drops.
I hope this helps, and welcome to the game! We all make these sorts of mistakes at first.