Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Proposal: Inevitability

timed out and enacted 2-1

Adminned at 24 Aug 2023 21:56:12 UTC

Append the following text to the rule “Into the Storm”:

While The Storm is ongoing, instead of the Downsides listed in “Upsides and Downsides”, the following Downsides exist:
* Lose People equal to 25 minus 5 for every 1 point you choose to spend from your Energy Trap
* Lose People equal to 10 minus 5 for every 1 Order you choose to spend
* Lose 3 People and 1 Defences, or lose 10 People instead if you have less than 0 Defences
* Lose 3 People and 1 Ingenuity, or lose 5 People and your lowest-cost understood Innovation (selecting one at random if there’s a tie) instead if you have no Ingenuity
* Lose 1 Ingenuity and 1 from your Energy Trap, or lose 4 from your Energy Trap instead if you have no Ingenuity
* Lose 1 Defences and 1 Food, or lose 3 Food instead if you have less than 0 Defences
* Randomly select a number from 1 to 3, inclusive; then randomly select and apply that number of Downsides from the rule “Upsides and Downsides” to yourself (excluding the one that begins with “Randomly Select”)

In the same rule, replace the following bullet points:

* When Posing a Dilemma, the City randomly selects six Downsides instead of two, and assigns the first three to the first Outcome and the last three to the second Outcome.
* When Reacting to a Dilemma with more than two Downsides, a District applies each Downside of the selected Outcome to themself.
* Whenever a District’s Order level is reduced, two randomly-selected Downsides are immediately applied to that District.
* If every District is Abandoned except for one, or if the Dilemma’s number is 44 or higher, the District with the most People has achieved victory (in the case of a tie, only the tied player with the most Defences achieves victory).


* When a non-Abandoned District’s Order would be reduced as a result of Passing or of the City performing the penultimate step of Posing a Dilemma, a randomly-selected Downside must be immediately applied to that District instead.
* If every District is Abandoned except for one, or if the Dilemma’s number is 44 or higher, the District with the most People has achieved victory (in the case of a tie, only the tied player with the most Order achieves victory).

here’s a rebalancing of The Storm! when i initially proposed it, Kevan expressed concern about having more randomisation in the endgame. so, what if instead of more downsides, we just had worse ones?
this set of downsides would rank the resources in order of necessity like so: first People (to survive), then Food (for daily hunger checks), then Energy (to stay warm), then Defences (to protect your people and your food), then Order (to stave off panic and win tiebreakers), and finally Ingenuity (to protect your people and your energy). but your personal upgrades and stockpiles would change your personal priorities!


Kevan: City he/him

22-08-2023 14:27:51 UTC

My concern over a random endgame is just that the randomness has the potential to outweigh how well someone has actually played the game.

A player who’s judged the group well, has avoided being stuck with useless outlier resources, has made some clever deals and rule amendments, maybe grabbed a few resources through minor scams or timing windows, etc, could be end up being heavily outscored if they happen to get the worst possible endgame rolls while a trailing player gets their best possible ones.

Whether it’s “six Downsides instead of two” or “two Downsides but bigger numbers” doesn’t make much difference; if you make the game more unpredictable towards the end, it increases the degree to which luck matters.

lemon: she/her

22-08-2023 14:42:35 UTC

this is either the same amount of predictable or less, though, right? the potential outcomes are drastic, but limited to a specific few (with the exclusion of the upgraded version of the “0-2 downsides” one, which i opposed on principle and now for material reasons, but which im including here because it exists in the standard set of downsides too. i wouldn’t mind it being replaced later). in the “3 random downsides” version, it’s very likely that you’d find yourself unable to avoid any decrease in, say, Food, because there’d be six chances for it to get rolled. in this version, you get much more choice & control over the outcome than that.

randomness was baked into the core of the dynasty with your first proposals! this is just reducing some of the randomness that already exists in the ruleset, hopefully making it more manageable & interesting to deal with.

Kevan: City he/him

22-08-2023 15:06:40 UTC

On a second reading these are a bit more nuanced; “Lose People equal to 25 minus” and “three random Downsides” were just a very big opener and closer.

I’ll leave it to the players how much randomness they want in their game, and whether this seems a more tempting wager. I was aiming for just “input randomness” with the dynastic structure (“here’s a randomly generated thing, what do you want to do about it?”), but if people want some output randomness gambling as well, I won’t push against it.

Logistics: is the final “apply that number of Downsides from the rule “Upsides and Downsides” to yourself” result meant to be rolling on the original list, or the new one? From “instead of the Downsides listed in “Upsides and Downsides”, the following Downsides exist” it reads like the latter, but your deliberate callback to the name of a rule makes it sound like you maybe aren’t intending that.

JonathanDark: he/him

22-08-2023 15:15:42 UTC

I do think fewer but larger Downsides makes more sense. More Downsides just means more likelihood of both Downsides being the same, which leads to the choice being less Dilemma-like, so greentick from me for this change.

Josh: he/they

22-08-2023 20:50:32 UTC

against in favour of the anointed ones

JonathanDark: he/him

22-08-2023 23:59:46 UTC


This was a fine idea by itself, but I’m liking Josh’s idea more. With a re-skin to make it more epic, I think a change in mechanics for the end game will be interesting.


23-08-2023 08:20:40 UTC


Kevan: City he/him

23-08-2023 08:29:27 UTC

(That vote above should be ignored, it was me being logged in from the wrong account.)


lemon: she/her

24-08-2023 00:35:47 UTC

@Josh @JonathanDark can i ask why you two are voting against this when it doesn’t contradict The Anointed Ones? this is better than our current unfinished/overly-random Storm, and if both proposals succeed, Josh’s will override mine anyway. as it currently stands, if The Anointed Ones fails, we’re just left with the worst & least interesting version of the Storm!

lemon: she/her

24-08-2023 00:47:29 UTC

when i say “unfinished”, i guess i actually mean “half-baked” — i don’t wanna imply that this proposal alone Finishes The Storm. i’d be happy to see it expanded more :0

JonathanDark: he/him

24-08-2023 06:04:45 UTC

Fair point, CoV for in case Anointed Ones fails

Josh: he/they

24-08-2023 14:25:20 UTC

@lemon I don’t like the storm as a mechanic and would honestly prefer to see it fail. If keeping it in an unfinished state prompts a genuinely interesting successor mechanic then that’s more appealing to me than voting in a compromise.