Monday, August 07, 2023

Proposal: Innovation in Action

enacted 4-0

Adminned at 08 Aug 2023 16:25:09 UTC

Rename the “Gather” Upside to “Govern”, in the ruleset and all Ongoing Dilemma Outcomes that it appears in.

To the end of “Upsides and Downsides”, add:-

When a District Governs, it may choose to either Gather or Innovate.

Defining that pesky verb. A straight-up Innovate Upside would probably get in the way too much, so merging it with Gathering for a multipurpose “get on with stuff” Upside.


JonathanDark: he/him

08-08-2023 01:26:29 UTC


lemon: she/herIdle

08-08-2023 05:32:51 UTC

against i figure we’ll want more than one Innovation to learn first, and i don’t think we want to leave the currently-existing basic innovation in the game, so i don’t think we’re ready for this yet. this is definitely the right way to do it once we are ready, tho!

Kevan: he/himIdle

08-08-2023 08:25:50 UTC

If this seems the right way to perform the Innovate action, I’d rather have that on the books than be left in the air as something that was informally and forgettably agreed in comments in a way that may not represent quorum, and where minds might change when the time comes to plug the mechanic in. I think it’s easier to build the dynasty when we know what’s been agreed on and players are under more immediate pressure to think about whether they want to take the action.

If you’re having second thoughts about the first Innovation that people voted into place, proposing to amend or repeal it will signal to people that it might not be worth performing yet.

Josh: he/they

08-08-2023 08:30:33 UTC


lemon: she/herIdle

08-08-2023 10:24:41 UTC

i certainly do intend to propose an amendment of the starting Innovation and the addition of a few more Innovations as soon as i have the slots to do so!

lemon: she/herIdle

08-08-2023 16:24:22 UTC

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