Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Proposal: Let Josh Have His Fun

Fails self-killed. -Bucky

Adminned at 27 Sep 2023 02:43:06 UTC

Add subrule called “Highlights” to the rule “Sports Resolution” and give it the following text:

A Results Post may include a sequence of Highlights for each of its Sporting Events, which are embellished but not deliberately misleading descriptions of occurrences during the Sporting Event’s resolution procedure.


Kevan: City he/him

26-09-2023 09:53:27 UTC


JonathanDark: he/him

26-09-2023 12:55:19 UTC


Snisbo: she/they

26-09-2023 18:56:51 UTC

imperial Sounds fun, but it’s just for flavor, so I’ll leave it up to josh

Josh: he/they

26-09-2023 20:18:51 UTC

against Nothing prevents me from adding flavour at present, and I’m consistently against unnecessary ruleset words, especially words like “deliberately misleading”, which, I mean, how would that even play out… If players think the results posts are dry then I can embellish them but they are currently dry because players wanted them that way, so let’s not confuse the issue.


26-09-2023 20:33:10 UTC

against S-K, if it’s not going to be used.