Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Proposal: Let the coach run the show.

Timed Out. Fails 1-2. Admined by Clucky

Adminned at 13 Dec 2006 18:46:03 UTC

This is flexable enough to give Clucky room for Interpretation, yet tight enough that us Olympians know what’s going on.
Add a new Rule to the Ruleset.  Call it “Olympic events” and give it the following text:

Often the Coach may start an Event by making a sticky post to the Blog with a title “Event:XXX”, where XXX is the Event’s name.  This shall be called an Event Post.  The Event Post must contain each of the following:
1)a set of Criteria for participation in the Event
2)the Conditions for Termination of the event
3)the Conditions for Awarding Medals once the Event has terminated
the Conditions for Termination must be possible.  The Conditions for Awarding Medals must be such that only one each of Bronze, Silver and Gold medals can be awarded per Event, and the number of total Medals awarded in an Event must be the lesser of 3 and the number of Olympians meeting all the Criteria for Participation.  Medals can only be awarded to Olympians who meet all the Criteria for Participation.

When the Conditions for Termination are met, Medals are Awarded based on the Conditions for Awarding Medals, and the Event ceases to exist.

Players are encouraged to send the Coach ideas for Events.

Also, set everyone’s Bronze, Silver and Gold Metals to 0, unless this has already been done.



12-12-2006 05:40:20 UTC

Why set “Gold” “Silver” and “Bronze” to zero?  They are not numeric fields, are they?  Right now, they are (rightfully) set to blank.  When medals are awarded, the Event Name should be added to the proper medal column.


12-12-2006 06:38:35 UTC

Because I thought they were numeric values.  And it’s too late to change it now.


12-12-2006 06:39:35 UTC

I’ll wait for word from Clucky on this.

Clucky: he/him

12-12-2006 13:37:53 UTC

They really could be either. I like the idea of putting Event Names in, but that could get really cluttered like we saw with tomes.


12-12-2006 13:43:42 UTC

How about making an events wiki, where you write who participate(d) and who got medals, then the medals column could simply count the medals


12-12-2006 17:04:28 UTC

against I like it, but the “1 medal per event” clause bars colective sports.

Clucky: he/him

12-12-2006 19:27:56 UTC

There is a post stickied to the top of the blog called “Upcoming Event”. This post may often be edited by the coach to include new events. Each upcoming event should be outlined in the post and contain each of the following:

1)a set of Criteria for participation in the Event
2)the Conditions for Termination of the event
3)the Conditions for Awarding Medals once the Event has terminated
4) A list of rivals who will be competing in the event

The Conditions for Termination must be possible.  The Conditions for Awarding Medals must be such that and equal number of Bronze, Silver and Gold medals are awarded. Medals can only be awarded to Olympians who meet all the Criteria for Participation.

When the Conditions for Termination are met, Medals are Awarded based on the Conditions for Awarding Medals. Any Olympian which earned a medal will have eir proper medal increased by one in the GNDT(That is, a student who wins a “Gold Medal” will have “Gold” increased by one) Any rival which earns a medal will have that rival’s team’s proper medal increased by one.

The event, along with the results, is then removed from the “Upcoming Events” post and added to Events Page on the Wiki.

Also, set everyone’s Bronze, Silver and Gold Metals to 0, unless this has already been done, and create a Wiki page called “Events Page”.


Hows that sound?


12-12-2006 19:52:09 UTC

OK, with one minor modification: include the clause “Olympians are encouraged to send the Coach ideas for Events. “

Clucky: he/him

12-12-2006 22:14:33 UTC

Right. Of course.

Clucky: he/him

14-12-2006 02:43:19 UTC

against time to fail this.