Sunday, March 28, 2021

Proposal: Line of Succession

Reached quorum 9 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 29 Mar 2021 16:33:35 UTC

In “Ending a Game”, replace “The Dealer may, and should at their earliest convenience, make” with:-

If any Active games can be Ended, the Dealer should End them before resolving any Proposals or Calls for Judgement. If multiple Active games can be Ended, whichever of them was Started earliest should be Ended first.

The Dealer may make

Should make it unambiguous which order games are resolved in, particularly with a victory condition on the horizon which may end up caring about that order.


Josh: he/they

28-03-2021 13:16:45 UTC


Lulu: she/her

28-03-2021 13:23:02 UTC



28-03-2021 13:44:35 UTC


Darknight: he/him

28-03-2021 13:59:37 UTC


Raven1207: he/they

28-03-2021 14:10:15 UTC


lemon: she/her

28-03-2021 20:53:21 UTC


Clucky: he/him

29-03-2021 00:30:59 UTC

“If multiple Active games can be Ended, whichever of them was Started earliest should be Ended first.”

I disagree with this, I’d say the one that could’ve been ended first should be ended first. That way, stuff doesn’t change depending on when you’re online to resolve stuff.  But I think we can change that later


Brendan: he/him

29-03-2021 02:45:14 UTC


Kevan: he/him

29-03-2021 09:27:57 UTC

[Clucky] I wasn’t sure which way to jump on that: I didn’t like the idea that the final victory could come down to which pairing were able to rush through their game the quickest (either because of timezones, or because of typing very fast), rather than who was randomly pulled from the bag first.