Proposal: Lottery, albeit a cleansing one.
Vetoed on Ascension. —75th Trombone
Adminned at 13 Dec 2005 20:16:21 UTC
“Any Voice whose name doesn’t appear in this rule may replace a line which consists of the character string “%%%%†with eir name.”
in Rule 2.4 with
“Any Voice whose name doesn’t appear in the Fortress of Cheese may replace a line which consists of the character string “%%%%†with eir name. Any Voice, other than the Ego, whose name appears in the Fortress of Cheese may often replace eir name with “%%%%”.”
Name the currently unnamed rule concerning the Fortress of Cheese
X Is Incredibly Beautiful
but replace with X with the the name of the DiceYth voice to vote FOR on this proposal, other than Angel, Devil, or Fred. Y is the total number of voices, other than Angel, Devil, and Fred, who voted FOR this proposal in the comments of this proposal. For purposes of counting the order of FOR votes, the most recent FOR vote is taken in consideration.
A new Voice starts out with eir Allegiance set to Fred.
in rule 2.1.3 to
Voices without an Allegiance immediately have eir Allegiance set to Fred.
New Voices start out content.
in rule 2.1.5 to
Voices without a Mood immediately set eir Mood to Content.
Change the text of any pending proposal to the text of any passed proposal from a previous dynasty, but change the equivalent words to Voice and Ego. Leave the rest of the proposal intact.
I wanted as many people to have a chance to be Incredibly Beautiful, so might as well change a few Inclinations for the better.
Elias IX: