Proposal: Major Key [Core]
Unpopular with fewer than a quorum not voting against, at 2-7. Failed by Brendan.
Adminned at 15 Dec 2021 17:34:30 UTC
Remove the text
Exception: Proposals which would change the text of a Core, Special Case or Appendix rule if enacted cannot be Popular on this basis.
from the rule “Votes”
I feel like this clause hasn’t really helped things. It has resulted in multiple cases where something we wanted passed didn’t actually get passed because not enough people voted, and now there is currently a CfJ out that is expired but no one wants to admin because either they want it to pass, but enacting it now would cause it to do nothing; or they want it to fail but the majority of players appear to want it to pass and they don’t want to annoy people.
Brendan: he/him
It’s only been adminnable for eight minutes, so I’m not sure “nobody wants to admin it” is a strong thesis. I’ll do it now.