Proposal: More Resourceful
Create a new subrule, “Boost”, of “Resources” (in the blockquote below, * is MediaWiki markup for the start of a list item):
Each Seeker has a Boost for each Resource, a positive integer defaulting to 1 (different Resources can have different Boosts for the same Seeker). Boost is publicly tracked via writing “x” followed by the Boost after each Seeker’s Resource value (for example, if a Seeker has 50 Wealth and a Weatlh Boost of 2, their Wealth is written as “50x2” on the Tracker).
When a rule defines a change as “boosted”, this means that if the change increases a Seeker’s value for a Resource, the size of the increase is multiplied by that Seeker’s Boost for that Resource.
There is a list of Boost Conditions, each of which may apply to a particular combination of a Seeker and a Resource. The list of Boost Conditions is as follows:
* At least two of the Seeker’s Vocations are Correlated or Strongly Correlated with the Resource, and none of the Seeker’s Vocations are negatively Correlated with the Resource;
* At least one of the Seeker’s Vocations is Strongly Correlated with the Resource, and none of the Seeker’s Vocations are negatively Correlated with the Resource;
* That Seeker’s Aspiration is associated with that Resource, and that Aspiration is not the most common Aspiration among all Seekers;
* That Seeker is the only Seeker with that Aspiration.If a Seeker meets at least two Boost Conditions for a Resource, that Seeker may set their Boost for that Resource to the number of Boost Conditions they meet for it.
If a Seeker meets fewer Boost Conditions for a Resource than their Boost for that resource, any Seeker may reduce their Boost for that Resource by 1, to a minimum of 1.
If there is a rule “Aspirations”, remove the paragraph starting “If a Seeker has an Aspiration” from it. Otherwise, delete the list items containing “Aspiration” from the new “Boost” subrule.
If there is a rule “Influence”, add a paragraph “Gains due to this rule are boosted.” at the end of that rule.
If there is a rule “Opportunities”, add the sentence “This gain is boosted.” immediately after “For each Resource for which a Reward was chosen as part of the process creating that Opportunity, increase the Purchaser’s value for that Resource by that Resource’s Reward.”, within the same list item.
Change “Wealth Actions” to read as follows (in the blockquote below, * is MediaWiki markup for the start of a list item):
As a daily action called “Income”, a Seeker may increase their own Wealth by an amount of their choice, subject to the following restrictions on what values the amount of the increase can have:
* The chosen amount is at most 36;
* That Seeker has not performed the Income action within the previous X hours, where X is twice the chosen amount.This increase is boosted (and the restrictions above apply to the amount before the boost).
Lots of proposals have been experimenting with having resources gained at different rates for different players, but such mechanisms can get hard to track. So here’s a generic mechanism for handling resource-gain multiplication that’s easier to track – anything that multiplies gains is a Boost Condition, and Boost is displayed in the correct place on the tracker so that increases become much easier to perform. In order to avoid needing to recalculate Boost on every resource gain, Seekers are now responsible for claiming their Boosts rather than gaining them automatically.
Increases that are boosted are explicitly specified in the ruleset as being boosted, to avoid accidentally boosting things like rewards of failing Bids at Auctions and the initial setting of variables for new players.
This also halves Income because the previous rate of gain was too high to handle being boosted.
JonathanDark: he/him
If “Supporting the Community” was too complicated for now, this feels even more so.