Thursday, November 04, 2021

Proposal: Okay let’s give people a reason to buy traps

Timed out and enacted, 5-1. Josh

Adminned at 06 Nov 2021 21:57:07 UTC

Replace the phrase “Each Realtor has a number of REALTOR Points” in the rule “REALTOR Points” with the following:

Each Realtor has a rational number of REALTOR Points,

Reword the sentence “As a Night action, any Realtor may purchase a Trap by paying an amount of bucks equal to its Price and adding that Trap to the list of Traps for any House which does not already have a Trap with the same name already listed and which is not being Sold by that Realtor” in the rule “Trap Time” to read:

As a Night action, any Realtor may purchase a Trap by paying an amount of Bucks equal to its Price and adding that Trap with their name (as in “Playername’s Skeleton”) to the list of Traps for any House which does not already have a trap of that type, and which does not have that Realtor as its Seller.

Append to the rule “Buyer Eligibility” the following:

If a Buyer ceases to be an Attendee at an Open House as an immediate and direct consequence the activation of a Trap purchased by a given Realtor, then the Realtor who purchased that Trap gains 0.5 RP.



04-11-2021 19:24:27 UTC

So, what’s the name that is referred to in “with the same name already listed”? Is it the trap name, the player name, or the combination?

This idea is a bit high on the chaos scale, no? With everyone wanting to do put traps on every house, if they expect it to go to market? Or, if only one trap of each type can be placed, then there might be a race to be the first to certain houses?

Brendan: he/him

04-11-2021 20:00:08 UTC

I welcome chaos when the game is on a ticking clock and I’m not in the lead, personally, yes. I’ll update the “same name already listed” text.

Brendan: he/him

04-11-2021 20:03:53 UTC

(I don’t know if everyone will want to put traps in every house, though; we have an average of around 45 bucks each, traps cost 1-4 bucks, and selling rights for any given house consistently go to the high teens, so one could quickly spend oneself out of the game buying too many traps.)

Josh: Mastermind he/they

04-11-2021 22:05:57 UTC

“If the rules that define a game variable are amended, and some previously valid values become invalid as a consequence, any existing variables whose current values would become invalid are instead set to their starting value.”

I don’t know enough about maths to know if 9 counts as a rational number, sorry - but if it doesn’t then this proposal should probably make sure that my RP aren’t set to zero?

Brendan: he/him

04-11-2021 22:10:14 UTC

The set of rational numbers includes the set of integers, and also the set of all fractional numbers, so both 9 and 9.5 are rational numbers.

Josh: Mastermind he/they

04-11-2021 22:34:28 UTC

Grand, thank you

Josh: Mastermind he/they

04-11-2021 22:35:08 UTC



04-11-2021 22:48:31 UTC

against Just… feels too silly.

Silverwing: she/her

04-11-2021 23:16:52 UTC


Trapdoorspyder: he/him

04-11-2021 23:40:30 UTC


Raven1207: he/they

05-11-2021 03:58:38 UTC
