Proposal: Pirates has no Honor
Proposal failed 9 to 1 - Jack
Adminned at 06 Mar 2008 04:51:47 UTC
Pirates, don’t get mad at me for the title of this proposal: both you and I know ‘tis true.
That aside… add a rule titled “Honor” that reads:
Whenever a Ninja self-kills a proposal, that act shall be known as “Seppuku” or “Ceremonial Suicide” for English speakers. When a Ninja commits seppuku, all Captains who voted on that proposal become “Splattered with Blood” and will continue to be in that state until they “Wipe eir face” as defined by the rules.
A Captain may “Wipe eir face” at any time e makes a proposal and the word “wipe” appears in it’s rule’s text.
Clucky: he/him