Proposal: Renovation
Passes 8-1. Enacted by Brendan.
Adminned at 31 Mar 2023 18:39:03 UTC
If “Building a Building” was not enacted, this Proposal has no effect.
In the rule “The Building”, add the following bullet as the first bullet in the atomic action Build:
* Optionally choose any W in the Building Contents and chose a replacement item from the list of the possible building contents that is not W or -. If they choose this option, the Engineer must first spend 1 of a publicly-tracked variable associated with that Engineer such that this variable is a legal value after the spend and the action of this spending would allow the Engineer to use 1 of the replacement item. If they do, they may then replace the W in the Building Contents with the replacement item.
If the rule “The Quarry” exists, add the following text to that rule:
Whenever an Engineer spends 1 of their Stone in the manner described in the Build atomic action, they are able to use 1 S as a replacement item in that same action.
It’s a bit wordy. If someone can find a more concise way to describe this, I’ll take suggestions.
Trapdoorspyder: he/him