Friday, November 11, 2011

Proposal: Roll 4,000,000d5

Times out and passes 14-1-0 - Prince Anduril

Adminned at 13 Nov 2011 08:34:39 UTC

If either the text:

To do this, the Driver rolls DICEN a number of times in the GNDT, where N is the number of Routes in the Driver’s pool. The Driver continues to roll until every possible value occurs at least once, then rearranges their list of Available Routes according to the first occurrence of each number (e.g. if they roll 3, 4, 2, 2, 3 1, then their third route becomes first, their fourth route becomes second, their second route becomes third, and their first route becomes last).


To do this, the Driver rolls DICEN a number of times in the GNDT, where N is the number of Routes in the Driver’s pool. The Driver continues to roll until every possible value except one occurs at least once, then rearranges their list of Available Routes according to the first occurrence of each number (e.g. if they roll 3, 4, 2, 2, 3 1, then their third route becomes first, their fourth route becomes second, their second route becomes third, and their first route becomes last). The route corresponding to the number that did not come up is placed last.

exists in the ruleset, replace it with:

To do this, the Driver rolls DICEN, DICE(N-1), ..., DICE 3, DICE2, where N is the number of Routes in the Driver’s pool. The Driver then rearranges eir Routes according to the numbers rolled such that the new first Route is the one that previously held the position of the number given by the first die roll, the new second Route is the one that previously held the position of the number given by the second die roll (ignoring the already reassigned Route), and so on. The Route that was not referred to by any of the die rolls is placed last in the new order. (E.g., If a player rolls 2, 2, 1, 2. Their new first Route is the old second Route. The new second Route is the old third Route, which is the second, if the previously reassigned Route isn’t counted. The new third is the old first. The new fourth is the old fifth. The old fourth, having never been rolled, is placed last. The new order, then, is 2, 3, 1, 5, 4.)

Same effect, but with a small, set number of die rolls. (N-1 of them, to be exact.) If “Route switching” passed, its manual-switch-for-cash mechanic remains intact.



11-11-2011 03:03:09 UTC



11-11-2011 03:07:46 UTC



11-11-2011 03:21:46 UTC

for Much, much better.


11-11-2011 04:23:32 UTC



11-11-2011 05:38:18 UTC

for Okay, conversation on IRC indicated the other was preferred, but I have no objection to this.

Darknight: he/him

11-11-2011 05:42:43 UTC



11-11-2011 06:37:34 UTC


ais523: Mastermind

11-11-2011 10:16:08 UTC

for and I’m busy working on a way to try to reduce the number further. (The original wording was inspired by a suggestion of mine, but I was assuming the rolls would just continue until there were five different values, not until the entire list was reordered.)

Kevan: he/him

11-11-2011 11:04:07 UTC

for Maybe roll a DICE1000 for each Route, and if you get five different numbers, order them by that.

ais523: Mastermind

11-11-2011 11:47:48 UTC

It might actually be more interesting if the shuffle wasn’t completely fair, come to think of it. One big advantage of a nomic is that you can organise provably unfair shuffles that have a fixed distributions.

Prince Anduril:

11-11-2011 13:43:06 UTC



11-11-2011 14:22:09 UTC


SingularByte: he/him

11-11-2011 15:09:39 UTC



11-11-2011 16:04:21 UTC



11-11-2011 17:08:08 UTC

@ais523 In theory, you can do it in one by rolling DICE(N!). In practice, using such an algorithm would be annoying and error-prone.


11-11-2011 21:17:33 UTC



13-11-2011 04:15:50 UTC
